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(1 edit)

I just finished playing all the routes and getting all the endings and jumped right here to scream about this MASTERPIECE. Thank you so much for creating this game!! It was wonderful and I might or might not have pulled a nightowl and stayed up way too late to finish the game. I had so much fun watching how all the storylines played out and the twists and turns were so interesting and the story had me hooked from the get go. There's so much heart put into blooming panic and everything from the actual story to the story of the webnovel was just *chef's kiss* AH LOVED EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT

I want to say A LOT of things- great things!!!! but I'm still reeling from my first playthrough with xyx. So for now, let me just say- THANK YOU FOR SHARING ALL OF THEM WITH US!!!

Also that song in the lobby??????? BOMB AF

truly a work done with passion & love <3


I'm surprised Onion doesn't have a route

seems like Mr. steal your girl 

gave me second male lead syndrome throughout NightOwls route


also shook there is no Big lady route 

I still love the game, but I am curious... would it be possible to see the old art style somewhere? I really miss it. Perhaps is because I got used to it.

You can still see the old boys if you download the game jam version of BP! (BloomingPanic-1.0)


Now that we have an XYX Route, I sort of want to see a BIGLADY and Oniontheif route. Onion really holds fast to the "perfect boyfriend" persona, and how he would never disrespect someone the way Nathaniel did in the bloomic series. I really would like to see that. And Lady is just so.... well lesbehonest, she's perfect for a female character. She mentions a bad date, so we could definitely see her as a potential suitor. Other than maybe two and salo, everyone is single and ready to mingle, correct? Even June? I'm sure you are closing the door on this project and opening another, but there are a ton of us that would love a FANDISC of more content! 

i just finished the xyx route and I'm blushing and smiling so hard I love this so much

(4 edits) (+1)

routes i've done so far (updated):

xyx - bad end

xyx - good end

nightowl - good end

quest - good end

nakedtoaster - good end

xyx - good end (yes I replayed it I love him so much :>)

oh how do u get xyx's good ending?ive tried but i keep getting the bad end :')

haha i got the bad end first thing and i was so sad i used the walkthrough instantly :) but the good end is amazing


I was so excited to wait for the XYX route release. I am beyond pleased that you left the old version for other's to play if they wanted to, but also updated the CG and music and even the text for the other characters! It was a little sad that it looks like Quest didn't get a total revamp like the other two older characters, but I'll defo be replaying it just to see, even if it's not listed in the notes. I really enjoyed XYX, and I kinda want to see another game like this, OR maybe we get another  route? It would be nice to have a female route or two for those who want it, and possibly get more on Onion? He seems like he doesn't have anything going on relationship wise, which begs to question: Is he also a complete and   total fireball? I love this game and the art style is just amazing! The VOICE ACTING is on point. You don't get that often. I've avoided some pretty big name games because I couldn't get past the cringe VA. Good job! 


Oh, and can I just say, adding more to the lore of the universe made this game one of my favorite stories yet! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what you do next! 

(1 edit)

I was having a rough day and then I check and MY FAVOURITE COMFORT GAME GOT UPDATED. Thank you, it really cheered me up. I'm excited with every new thing I find. I played the previous version like 6 times already.

(anyway- biglady rouote when???? lol)




I absolutely loved this game! It was very unique and all the characters were funny and endearing. The art was incredible and the music really set the scene (I liked that you could change it around too). Also I just wanted to point out that I really liked that the characters were older. As someone around the same age as the older boys it was nice to not feel like a creep playing one of these games where all the love interests are like 18-20 lol

How can I play the other routes? When I play it's always the nightowl route.


Uh for the other routes, the Quest one I picked more sensible options, like when they ask you how late you stay up say that you go to sleep early. And when asked about your working situation, say your trying to keep positive. For the xyx route, choose to be more snarky. Like theres one options where you can say to starve off exsitential dread, and another to say ive always been here. Those put me on his route. For NakedToaster, theres a walkthrough in the devlogs.

In day one, there are usually 3 options for text, and one of the three options leads to a character. If you exclude a few exceptions, and the fact that some of the other options are hidden until the final route is unlocked... There is a nightowl guide here, so if you avoid those options, you'll end up on one of the other routes, I'd assume. The XYX route walkthrough is here also, and I was able to find one for Toaster,  but not Quest online elsewhere. Those seem to have been removed to be updated for the new content, but with Quest, you want to reply to the "sleeping time" with before 10pm, and most of the other options are more "formal" like when he asks if you've read the last chapter, and you have three versions of the word YES, but some are more slang terms, always pick yes. And when he asks about why you were awake/joined the server, that one is more about finding fans with like interests, instead of the more angsty replies. :) After day one though, there are easy bad endings for most of the characters so you're on your own! At least they added the photo of who's route you're on after day 1 so you can quit and try again if you got the wrong person. :) It's almost like most of quests answers are the first colum, owl is second, XYX/Toaster are the 3rd, but not ALWAYS. 

Thank you!! This is really helpful, I'll go and play it right now. <3

Thank you so much!

hey, i really really REALLY enjoyed to play this game!! It was so sweet. I adore the style of this game, the art, the work you guys have done. How far Quest shocked me with his past BUT even after I loved him as a character even more. The fact, that love dosen´t live on the same street is BRILLIANT. I just wish that this game is getting a new update.

I love the game update!! So glad we can still access the previous version, but... omg, its incredible! I love the music, the art and the VA!! Everything about this game is incredible! I cannot wait to see what else you make!!xx

Everything!!! The routes, the voice acting, the characters, HNNNN
This game will stay with me forever. 
I wish I could pick a best character but...
They all decided to run off with my heart and idk where to find them
Same with the love interests.
Once more, amazing job!!!!
*drowns this game and everyone who worked on it with hearts and stars*

im in love with nightowl now thank you for this game i will forever worship it 


I stayed up way too late playing through this-- but it was so amazing!!!! All the characters are FANTASTIC and gorgeous and felt so real and--- !! Just so well done, I cannot get over it. Love, love, love. Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it with us!!

Also, holy crap- the VOICES <333333333!!!!!!!

omg i loved it sm!! i played out all of the routes and i got to say i LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH
i have Quest WALKTHROUGH W/ME tho i didnt get one picture, idk what it was tho, but the good ending is <3 
also also, gosh Toasty <<<333 id do anything for that bae

binged the game in a day and now im sad there isnt more >~< ITS SO GOOD THO and the pronoun option god bless! gotta admit i was a bit surprised when i saw salo's wife had the same name as me lol but i really enjoyed it :) thank you for making this

i think i've completed this game 3 or 4 times now, its absolutely my favourite game atm. thank you so so much for creating this wonderful game. i cannot believe how attached i am to every single character!!

tho xyx is my fav <3

Oof, you got me right in the feels! Love the characters, so lifelike and real, thank you for making this! <3

I have been playing this through the night and finished both nightowl and quest’s routes. I have school but this game is so addicting, I haven’t been able to sleep

I've been waiting for xyx and I'm about to cry AAAAAAAAAA


Amazing game, about to replay the game just for the voice calls-- I also love the relationships of the background characters (such as BIGLADY and Two2) Really sells the deal that they are intended to be actual people. I can't wait for your later projects just omg I love it, feel like this is all real <3
Made my end of 2021 very special

(1 edit)

omg ive only done xyxs route so far but sheeeesh i love this game already, it's so wonderfully made. amazing job devs <3


oh my god I started this game at around 9?? It is now 2AM and I've just finished all the routes, saving Toast for last and aaaaAAAAAHH!! SUCH A GOOD GAME GUYS I AM FLOORED! AND TIRED! BUT MOSTLY FLOORED!! I can't wait to see what you guys get up to next, and a shout out to my favourite guy Quest for being an absolute SWEETIE!! Love the art, love the writing, and the layout was so unique and fun, I didn't want to stop playing. Thanks to the whole team for creating this masterpiece!!!


onionthief x therapy route when???

honestly lol

(1 edit) (+4)

Best freaking thing i could've done to end this hellish year of 2021.

with xyx's laugh and the sound of fireworks, i have no regrets in life.

anyway such a god-tier game, i can't believe you let me play this without paying. I can't even pick favorite between them boys because they're all really well-written and relateable in some ways. AND THE ARTS, GOD BLESS YALL WITH SUCH DELICATE HANDS!! I love everything about this!! story-wise, visuals, and the UI (i guess that's what it called? idk about this stuff well). 

i love you all who had their hands on this amazing works, i wish u all the best shit in this world.

and i'll always remember xyx's biggest 



love <3

wait hold on im editing this bcs i can't believe i did not deliver my special thanks for VOICE ACTORS OMGGG HOW YALL SO GOOD ;0; you guys make the characters even more real and alive <3 I particularly like biglady's, her voice just stick in my brain.


omgggg it's xyx. I legit thought he looked like Hisoka before he had a route.

The only bad thing about this game is the bad endings. They are really depressing. My heart legit started drowning in a sea of eternal saddness after reading them. 


why's this game so good !! i played all the 8 ending and I'm sad because i finished it soo fast (ಥ﹏ಥ) , I'll miss quest DEFINITELY THE BEST BOY !! ~(^з^)-♡


I’m in the process of downloading this right now - the first version of this game was absolutely incredible and I’m so excited for this revamp!!!! This game has inspired me so much <33


I loved the original game, and Full Bloom even more. For a FREE, indie otome, this game is 10/10.

I would die for all of them.

Question: is the meetup between mc and xyx flashforwarding 7 months too? Like how the other routes did?

there is a time skip, yes! it's not specified how long it is, so it can be whatever ya like 

(1 edit) (+1)

im ngl. I'm on day 7 with xyx, my final route to play, and I'm just now realizing the dark shading around his mouth is not his lips! At least, I think the illustrator was goin for that. Same goes for nightowl while I played his route. The open mouth illustrations for both had me so confused. My eyes definitely played tricks on me.

EDIT: my eyes keep understanding and switching the shading from open mouth to xyx's lips

LMFAO my friends have said similar things, so u arent alone 

xyx's route (Day 4): idk if this is a bug but after reloading the game the character who is typing is not shown like it usually is

finished the xyx route VERY AMAZING I just rlly luv this game I could play the same route for hours

(2 edits) (+1)(-7)

Edit 2023: I haven't played the game again but I did want to leave an update. I was harsh in this review because I was still in shock from how uncomfortable the game made me feel. I stand by what I said regarding the game as a whole: it is a very good game. It has good plot, good premise, and good characters. The game has thousands of positive reviews, don't let my one negative one ruin your experience. Play the game for yourself and decide. Blooming Panic is a good game, just not for me in particular. And I think that's okay.

Original review below:

I think I feel uncomfortable lol

You had me at the discord interface. Mwah. It's funny, it's clever, it works really well, and it makes sense to have a discord interface. The dialogue is ON POINT, like 100% how people speak in discord servers, and I felt myself become legitimately invested in this group of characters.

I haven't finished any route yet because the romance makes me uncomfortable. Or rather, the feeling of being forced into romance.
I think... I'm leading into Quest's route by accident?? I agreed with him in a couple of things and suddenly he's CLEARLY interested in me, which, cringe. The dialogue options don't help, since they feel like I'm saying the same thing either way. Like come on, I can say "wow you're my hero" or "I wish I could kiss you"?? I don't want to say either of those things!! Sir we met 3 days ago!!! WTF!!!

I like the story, but god, between the ex still being in love with me and now Quest being in love with me, I had to close the game.

Blooming Panic is correct in that there is Panic Blooming In Me every time Quest starts acting sus. Again, we met 3 days ago sir. I'm on this server to talk about my favourite book with people, not smooch the first person who makes me laugh. There is no chemistry, I don't feel it. I don't even know HOW I got stuck in Quest's route, the game doesn't let me choose much.

Everything else about this game, I adore. I wish there were a few more options, and more often. The characters are all nice and fleshed out, they all have their own opinions, I legitimately feel like I'm talking with a group of real people. I like the little voice clips every so often. Quest please stop being attracted to me <3 and also maybe stop going on discord while you're on the job???

I think I'll begrudgingly power through Quest's route (if my crawling skin doesn't kill me first) and then I'll TRY and see if I can go for nightowl's route. I want to give this game another chance after reading other comments but I don't know if I can recover from this.

Edit: reading through more comments, I should have read the game description more carefully because apparently each route lasts one week so that's why the characters fall in love so quickly :/ bit disappointing, but I mean, I just want more of this game! I want this game to be longer! So please take that as a compliment. This game truly is phenomenal but it just made me uncomfortable, personally.


A friend got me to try Blooming Panic and it's been a long time since a dating sim has captivated me this much! The quick playthrough makes this game so replayable and I've already replayed it twice in the last few days! It's hard to believe that a free game can be this thoroughly enjoyable and I feel a little bad for not paying anything for it because it's definitely worth spending money on ❤️

Thanks for playing! If you'd like to throw money my way, you can check near the end of my devlog here for places you can send it 💚

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