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xyx and toasty will always be my favs!!

Agreed 🥹🥹

(1 edit)

That is great! Although at first I got a bad ending for xyx, nightowl and xyx are my favorites!!<3

They have more or less many photographic experiences and lows, but through my help they can get the warmth they expect, and I will be happy about it!! Sometimes I even feel like they are real, eager for love like a child, and I do everything I can to protect them.

Through their eyes, I seem to see childhood, paranoid but full of innocence. When we are walking alone on the journey, we can never refuse such a companion. This is the moving part of this game, making me feel loved.

Thank you!!!^^

I came across Bloomic on a game rec list and when I read the "depressed day-in and day-out from a draining corporate job, you become invested in a fantasy webnovel" bit of the description I thought ah, finally an MC who is 100% me, so ofc I had to play it.

And you effin' delivered, damn. I loved everything about Bloomic, and I mean EVERYTHING. The setting? *chef's kiss*. The tracks (that we can change)? Living in my brain now. The fandom discord server dynamic? Spot-on. The zine, oh my gods, and the art too, that's just such a very fandom thing, and on a scale from cute to outright gorgeous too. The voice acting that at some points had me going "omo, dangerous >////<". And of course, first and most important--

--the characters. So relatable, and I genuinely had fun with all of them, and I sent a screenshot of one of toasty's lines to my very straight guy friend who's a blond FFXIV freak catboy to tell him I found his game alter ego. I have a fav route but I liked playing all of them, the good and the bad ends, and in each of them was something that made me care enough to lowkey want to know these people irl. My only tiny little regret is that onion doesn't have a route, because hell do I get attached to people who use proper spelling and punctuation even in chats. (I'm. Not kidding. Anyway--)

I also went through your profile to see if I can please throw some money at you for this epic gem but I see you've got that covered lol so I'll honor your wishes and donate instead :) I just! Would have! Given you a kidney probably! If you wanted. Really love the game, A+ job, all the virtual cookies for you and the whole team. Will replay whenever I'm feeling down from my mess of a job (which has been often, recently). Thank you, thank you, thank you.


(sorry for the bad spelling)

how do I get the good end for xyx??

it seams to me, no mater what opshin i pick, he gives me the bad end!! 

i whont to see him happy!!!!

Hi, I'm not the author but they posted a guide to the route here :)


You got 0 rizz lmao


It's incredibly difficult to get his good end for some reason lmao. Had no problems with all the other routes but xyx was a tough nut to crack.

Characters, art, dialogue, story, format, voice acting... It's all amazing! What started as "I guess I'll kill some time with this?" turned into an entire day of laughter (and well placed sad & awkward scenes). Till now I'd played VNs but shrugged when they were over (or didn't finish)... but this one had me enthralled. I was very surprised by characters who I didn't think I'd be into. My singular criticism is that tying changing endings to whether the MC reciprocates affection or not felt uncomfortably forced. Wouldn't change the 5/5 rating for that tho! I loved it. Thank you.

(1 edit) (+3)

I admit I'm not a super experienced discord user (I have used it though!) but I did use its grandpa IRC a lot back ten years ago and this game brought me back to those times so hard I am seriously considering downloading discord again to relive the magic. Logging on at night, spending until the early morning just chatting with a close-knit bunch of weirdos, all of us with our distinct flair and our own backstories, seeing stuff go down in the communities we were part of and getting up to mischief is something that I dearly miss, and this game just made me feel like I was back in one of my fav IRC rooms back in 2011.

I cannot emphasize enough just how well written the characters are. The voice acting is incredible. The way the plot unfolds is great, and each route has enough challenge without feeling like one needs to second-guess every choice the whole way through. I managed to get all good endings on my first try not because it was easy - but rather because the characters felt so real and so much like folks I knew that it was impossible not to know how to score favorability. 

I think my favourite route was xyx only because I'm a fellow chaotic troll and also loved the character design!! Followed by Toasty since I'm also a software developer so I definitely vibe with his issues haha

Anyway massive thanks and kudos to the entire team for such a fantastic game, I'm off to replay xyx's route now lol!!!

I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!! I've reached every good ending (4 of the 8 endings) and I was wondering if someone could help me get the last 4!!

y cant i get in the gameee

tell me why I cried after finishing toast’s route… I will definitely never forget this game

This game is absolutely beautiful and the characters feel so real. They have so much depth and facets to them that make them who they are. The interactions are also very accurate of a discord server haha. I’ve played all of the available routes but not all of the endings. They were all so good! Nothing was the same but that did not by any means diminish the experience. Again, I love this game and if you haven’t played it yet then you should…especially if you like romantic visual novels!


Easily my fav game. By far.




Why can't I get into the game?

I tried 5-6 times but didn't work TT


PLEASE tell me there will eventually be an onion route. I got so hyped during the nightowl route that we were hearing more from him.

My favorite route overall was probably xyx, though. And toast. Just something about the two driest chatters in the server made me extremely interested and I immediately wanted to figure them out. This was such a good game!!!

hello! Could someone tell me when the game will receive other languages? such as Portuguese, Spanish etc.


I feel really annoying to ask this but is there any idea in making an android version?

Give JoiPlay's legacy mode a shot, most users who have tried it report good results.

ok thank you very much 

I am having a bit of trouble I don't know what to do could you help me

I just replayed Xyx and Toast's routes again...I love this game!

Also, I really love Salo and Lady!

I love it 

(2 edits) (+1)

everyone...i love this game so much. i just had a special gummy so let's all just buckle up before i feel too weird about this. spoiler free!!! :)

this game had me missing my active discord days. like, everyone's still there, we all still are in the same servers, but we all busy. had to deal with life. moved. lost someone and had to take a step back. etc etc. i'm biased i KNOW but this game hits my soul in such an interesting way that i don't really know how to fully describe yet. babes i'm going to be thinking about this one for years.

i can tell a lot of work was put into this from people who spend time in that space. that weird little discord space on the internet that makes you check your phone during work or class and start a hundred dumb inside jokes. everyone knows a xyx. everyone's met a nightowl or an onion, but they're not caricatures, they're done lovingly and with intent.

this is probably the third game i've kept all the sound and voices on for. i really, really, REALLY love the music, especially Logging Off, Chilltalk, Please Don't Go, and Let's Goooo. at first i was just going to write how much i like having literally any track on in the bg for 12 hours, but when i went to find my favs, i was super impressed at how they all connect in some way, whether it's instrument, motif, progression, etc. a lot of them have different main percussion that make it easier to remember what you're listening to.

each track is distinct and conveys a different emotion, but never sounds out of place. even the stuff that comes out of left field works well  (maybe a didgeridoo in brb restart?? which might be a nod to xyx????? if so ily)

plot (spoiler-free)
listen don't be a little goblin like me and go straight for xyx. or maybe do, whatever. but go do quest and nightowl after that and only THEN nakedtoaster. it would have been so easy to just have the same story for each route but we got actual plot here, folks. we got INTRIGUE! we got CONFLICT! we got CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! slurp it up mama MIA pizzaria hooWEE!!!!!

10/10 welcome to post bloonini life, traveler


I reaally enjoyed plaing this game, it was an relatable and amazing experience. Thanks to the people who put all this hard work into this save space:3

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh my goddd I love this game nightowl has stolen my heart- I love him so much I want to wrap him in a blanket and steal him from my own character- jmnhbgvfcdfvgbhnjhg








also i love salo

quest give me a chance plz

xyx is a funny funny guy

nightowl is to relatable




This game was so good, i loved every second of it! I instantly went for Quest's route, i am not inmune to attractive glasses man..

This game is like a rollercoaster ride - it's thrilling, exciting, and sometimes makes me scream like a little kid. Great job, developers!

(1 edit) (+3)

xyx was so sexy


am sad cause I expected the Quest route would be much longer TT. Quest was like MY MUST GET but maybe I played through the game too fast? the quality is great btw its a neat game!


I love this game a lot! I haven't played many visual novels before, but I'm certain to continue playing visual novels after this one. This game's extremely well made, and I enjoy how each run entails many different events! I quite love the fact that characters that aren't the love interests are given detail too! It's a real fun play! ^^


This game is really well done! There wasn’t anything I didn’t like, except that I couldn’t have more time with each character. (TOTALLY understandable as this is a free indie game) You could really feel the love and care that was put in by everyone who worked on it. I would be willing to pay for real DLC honestly, it gave me happy feelings and proved to be as good a source of Escapism irl for me that Blooming Panic gave for the characters in game, Heh. I was especially SHOOK with a certain ending that I won’t dive into because spoilers, I definitely did not see it coming. 9.5/10! I loved this game. ❤️ I’m a huge lover of NakedToaster, he is best boy to me. 

Deleted 2 years ago

That's what the walkthrough up top is for.


I'm back to say you all that I started semi-crying at xyx route. My mental health hasn't been okay for a long time, but it's particularly bad lately. It's plummeted down to probably zero/one but like... seeing that representation just really hit me :') 


i am in NEED of a onionthief route, as much as i really like xyx and nightowl (not yet finished with nakedtoaster), i keep finding myself leaning towards onion in hopes of finding a secret route for him.. like in owl's route where onion asked to call i was like "DID I DO IT, IS THIS IT, HAVE IVE GOTTEN MY LOVE'S END???".. no,, disappointment.. i am HOPING. i love onion's voice actor and his mannerisms.. plz.. i beg..

Hi, I'm autistic and not good socially/at hints and I was hoping someone could explain this situation to me; 

When Salo for the first time logged off, you get the option of saying teaching him to be technical could make him too powerful, ask if he's not tech savvy OR to say 'does he ever... unplug the wrong thing?' 

And I didn't know what that meant, so I chose that anyways (Nightowl's route lol) and the responses were... confusing to me. 

Nightowl just keyboard smashed and said that he DID do that, and Quest went 'OH come on he hasn't done that recently!'


I even googled it. NO results. Please, my autistic brain can't handle this I need help lol. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN ~~


Don't worry unplugging the wrong thing didn't have a double meaning basically asking if he has accidently unplugged for example, the plug powering the computer therefore shutting it off. So basically Salo has unplugged the wrong thing before but not in a long time, hope this helps! :)

Poor Salo :') I love him so much LOL. I wish there was like, a (platonic, obviously because I am guessing he's a lil grandpa and the rest is all in their twenties except for two2 who's a highschool student/applying to college, plus he literally says he has a family he loves) route where the main character just gets close to him and they gain a wise, kind grandpa figure. And help him a lot with the laptop. EITHER THAT or they don't know anything about laptops either so that's what gets them close. Just. Getting closer to Salo seems awesome to me :') 

Though thank you. So much. I was stressing over this. I was like 'LOL has he ever unplugged the wrong thing. Okay let's say this and hope that it does  not refer to life support, because that seems like something xyx would say and this is the Nightowl route sooo -- wait.... ??? WHY IS EVERYONE REACTING SO EXTREMELY? WHAT DID I SAY??? WHAT DOES IT MEAAAANNNN???' 

Everyone just reacted... very extremely but that may have just been in my head lol. I thought it was  a little TOO extreme to just mean unplugging something in the literal sense. But thank you so much ^^ 

I love Salo so much tho LOL 


Well, hey look. I gotta tell you something. I don't like romance. I hate it. I hate the 'friends to lovers' trope and I'm always screaming 'NO DON'T KISS YOUR *FRIENDS*' and then it feels ruined to me. I always avoid romance at all costs. I don't want a relationship. A game has to have platonic routes and be able for me to not participate in romance at all for me to play it. I think I'm just... too queer /hj 

Why am I telling you this? 

Because... the world must be broken. It's glitching and crashing. 

I like, no I LOVE a romance game. I need MORE. I NEED MORE. Please. Please give me more. 

I love the art and voice acting especially and Nightowl is so cool. I originally did the Quest route (finished that one) and then the story made me call Nightowl and I was like 'Woah, welp, I took the wrong route.' Now I'm doing Nightowl's route. I promised myself I'd delete it because oh gosh, romance. But now I just wonder about some stuff... and now I'm going to do all the routes! I also wish there was a Biglady route too. 

Also this may sound weird but I wish there was a Salo route. Not romantically, of course, as I would guess the main character to be in their twenties and Salo's age gap is one thing as well as the fact he already has a loving wife and family. No I mean a platonic route where instead of choosing romance, you just get a friendly, wise grandpa character that's super innocent and does not know what he is doing and you help him with laptop stuff (or you choose to not be tech savy either as I am NOT tech savy lol) 

I am literally rambling about a romance game. I mean, I don't put down others that like romance or romance games, it's just never been my thing. And now I'm rambling and loving a romance game. And THAT, my friends, is how you know a romance is good; when I of all people on earth love it. I just. I love this so much it's such a comfort. SINCE WHEN IS ROMANCE A COMFORT, I DUNNO. SINCE I FOUND THIS GAME. 

Also Nightowl's makeup, outfit, accessoires and nail polish are ON POINT he is so cool. 


Amazing game 🥰 

Enjoyed it and played all the four routes 

My favorite was Quest's and Xyx's 😭 

The voice acting is on point and the chat is too real to be a game 

I also got so attached to all the characters, they are so well written. 

I hope we could've play Onion's route tho 

Hard same on the Quest and Xyx routes love <3 I have yet to do NakedToaster's but holy crack, I love them so much.


they were absolutely good written and the artsyle is amazing


Mas Xyx por favor hands out

IIQWBFIOW My notebook is going to be filled Oh no

I played this game for Xyx and Xyx only, oh, and Cat ofc

Xyx and Cat are my loves



AMAZINGG- Sorry I won't be deleting this- My Fav Love interest, it's tie between quest and NakedToaster


Heya! I love this game!! Are you guys planning on making a android version anytime soon?


Some users have reported pretty good results with JoiPlay's legacy mode, your experience may vary depending on Android version, device, etc.

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