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I really enjoyed this game. At first I was hesitant to download it but I am so glad that I did. Quest is my favourite route. I really love his story and his character. I was literally smiling like an idiot throughout his calls. His route did feel shorter than the rest though, and I am not sure if this is because I enjoyed it so much, that I did not want it to end! Even his bonus story was amazing! Naked Toaster was a close second for me. He seemed like a very realistic character. There is one phrase that he says a few times though, that I did not like. Even though he meant it as a joke, I still feel like it takes away from his appeal. Other than that, Nightowl and xyx had very cute stories, both routes getting pretty deep at times which added something special to them. There were alight. Quest is definitely the star of the show though. I would love a part 2 just for him! <3


im screamig and crying THIS GAME IS SO GOOD!!!! i'm having a panic cause i'm in love w all of the characters at this point. IT'S SO FRICKING GOOD I CAN'T EVEN PUT IT INTO WORDS


I found this game yesterday and immediately fell in love with it!!<3 Blooming panic has such an amazing writing and cool aesthetic, +EVERY character is so lovable, (especially Quest pls let me be your discord kitten nya!!!) I feel so blessed that I’m somehow lucky enough to find this absolute masterpiece and would 10/10 recommend it to everyone that’s into dating-sim/VN! I'm begging u guys PLEASE play it _| ̄|○


This game was just AMAAAZIIING! Haven't played something SOO nice in a long long time. Even created an account to leave a comment =D

Story is great, beautiful artstyle , voice acting just GORGEOUS. Characters made me want to be a part of a community like that of a Bloomic =D This VN made me feel such wide spectrum of emotions that I ALMOST regret finishing all of the routes in one evening. All of the people who was creating this game did a marvelous job and I hope to see more VN from your team in the future. Keep up the good work!


Um. the warnings for this game do not mention alcohol abuse. A character becomes intoxicated and has an intense meltdown that you are both witness to and directly involved in. Said character is implied to drink heavily when they are really stressed, and has some mental health issues that aren't addressed in a way that is satisfying. Just in case there's anyone else out there who might benefit from knowing this. 

(1 edit) (+1)

i love this vn sm. its so realistic in the ways people talk and xyx is the most charming love interest inside a dating sim ive ever seen. incredibly well written, well drawn, well coded, and well received by me! a great game! <3

Thank you for creating such a wonderful game! 

I started playing on the otome jam version before finding the updated version and I had a lot of fun! Each love interests were lovely, and my favorite would be xyx according to personality and route story so far. I love the voices for each love interests and even the side characters in the chat along with the interactions amongst everyone. Each route have its own theme and I love the little interactions outside of the game and the cameos. 

I look forward to any new games that you made!

Salut, j'ai déjà jouée à se jeu et je l'es VRAIMENT ADORER mais petit problème c'est en Anglais est ce que c'est possible de prévoir une traduction en Français ? je meurs d'envie d'y jouer 😘


i absolutely adore this visual novel! the LIs and other characters feels so real, like you are talking to a real person. Not a lot of visual novels or other games can capture that and I'm so emerged and invested that i'm legit getting flustered with the LIs <333,  laughing with all the jokes and getting emotional (i'm looking at you nightowl :<< ). also the voice acting is amazing! kudos to them! love they way they sounded and that's legit what i'm envisioning them to sound like ;ppp


This game is absolutely life changing and I can't get over how much I love all four LIs! I was blushing, crying, and laughing ALL at the same time. Amazing writing, amazing art, and AMAZING voice acting (i'm lookin at you xyx) <3<3<3 This game may have ruined some other games for me but it's worth it. Definitely looking forward to other games from this creator!!!


yup, I loved this! and I officially think XYX was my favorite


i absolutely love this game!! xyx is def a favorite of mine :)) 


can you get NakedToaster without using the username LovleyLola?????

(1 edit)

Yeah you can! The username is just a bypass if you don't want to go through Quest and Nightowl's routes first.

Oh- so all I have to do is go thru Quest and Nightowl first-and then it will give me the option?

Yeah, that's correct!

This is so amazing, thank you for making this. I’m extremely lonely, so it always an amazing experience and it felt real because of the voice acting. Thank you


Just in case anyone missed it the first play through or so, when the characters type something and there is a little speaker Icon, you can click that and HEAR other voices. All it's done is make me want Onion added to the LI list! 



I love this game! I think Xyx was my favourite route! I hope so much that you add more routes! I would love to see the other characters' backstories. (Well I don't want to romance Sal LMAO)

After hearing Onion's voice I want to date him now too! 

I knew all the hype about this game but hadn't really jumped on board, thinking how good could a game jam game be and I WAS WRONG I APOLOGISE FOR NOT JOINING SOONER THAT WAS THE BEST GAMING EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!!! Seriously all the props to everyone who worked on this, the writing the voice acting the art everything was great wow I'm gonna go have dinner then play again! Thank you for this glorious game, 0 flaws this was amazing

I NEED NEED NEED to have a final thing where I can pick Nightowl. I just started playing and haven't stoped for 2 hours straight. I love him so much omg

You can end up on Nightowl's route. There are 4 LI and you end up on a route at the end of the first day. :) 

I've only had Blooming Panic in my life for a few days and I'm already obsessed!! Such a great game and it's clear the amount of effort and care that went into creating it!


Are there any plans on making an Onionthief route? i dont like him much myself, but ive seen many fans out there so i think it might be interesting!


His personality is a bit...uppity, but I've heard his voice now, and I want more. 


I absolutely LOVE this game, i really dont understand how it isnt more popular?? All the routes are great and really interesting. As an 18 yo girl with not much friends, playing made me feel less lonely, so thx for making the game!

It's an indie game! It's up to us to spread the love for this game! 



(1 edit) (+1)

I AM SO INVESTED IN THIS!!! It was fun to see them tell me go to sleep while I was playing at almost 3 in the night lol 


(Toasty my beloved <3)


i love this the charaters feel so realistic!! the voice acting is amazing and the art is just so beautiful cant wait to see what comes from yall in the future

How I get yxy's good ending? Please, help. Somehow I manage to get the bad finale every time lmao


search for walkthrough! helped me :)

Thank you!


There are many feelings for this game, but they're all mostly positive! The only non-positive feelings are exactly what you expect them for. Those bad endings really just punch you in the gut and the epilogues just drive the knife right through you. But I straight up made an account here on to rate and comment on this game.

I love this game - but also wanted to point out that Toaster's game let me play my lute even though I left it behind to bring the hammer lol


oh i had the opposite, it made me have a hammer but i'd picked the lute


From my understanding, you actually don't leave one of the things behind, you simply choose which one you want to carry in your hands, and which one you want to keep in your bag

Deleted post

Yall literally no idea where to post this ngl so im just putting it here 😍😍😍 also no bullying allowed im literally twelve u cant expect more lmao

I love this and i love you guys so much for making this. Thank You!

I can't even begin to express how much this exceeded my expectations! I loved it! 

Each and every route was an absolute delight to play. And I some how managed to get all the good endings! I am purposefully avoiding the bad endings (my little hear can't stand to see any of the boys hurt) God am I attached to each of them.

This is exactly the type of dating sim visual novel I want to play as an adult. Its mature, talks about deep things, and is super realistic. Thank you so much to the creators who made Blooming Panic <3

*It would be super cool if there was a June or BigLady route. oh how my women loving heart would sing!*

at the start i wasn't sure, but before i knew it i'd played through all the good routes lmao.. such a good game !!

i also was hesitant to play quests route bc i thought he was a bit boring but he ended up being my favourite LOLL

low-key wish there was an onion route i thought his character was rlly intriguing >_>

Quest's route will do that to you. It's a good one! I wish there was an onion route now that I have heard his voice too. 

pls this was amazing im playing it for the second time trying to get more ending

(1 edit) (+2)

As an adult escaping from reality sometimes, that's one of the best game i ever played ! 
EVERYTHING was great, all the routes, the characters, the music, the serveur etc. 
I loved everything (got the 4 good endings hehe) 
It was very deep and nice, with problems with all deal with. My best guy was nightowl, but i loved them all, even the non datable chara were great ! 
I want a discord serveur like that haha 
It was really great, even as an adult i enjoyed it, maybe because that's very mature and deep. ♥


    Okay, I just finished all the routes (only good endings though, haven't gone through all bad endings). I love every single one of them. The CGs, the characters in general... wow! This game is amazing. My favorite guys were xyx and nightowl. So cute! Although I do have favorites, I still love Quest and NakedToaster. Their routes were amazing and the stories and conflicts that come with each of them are outstanding. I also love the zine, the big reveal of the author, and how much work you put into it. I also love the non-dateable characters, especially Salo. He is so kind and he would be so fun to be around! UGHHH I wish I could say more about how MUCH I LOVE THIS GAME but I don't have the words to express it at the moment! I just want you to know that I love this game with my whole heart and I cherish that this exists. Just one more thing though— Onion route when? Haha, seriously no rush though, but I would be glad to see Onion in his full glory. He has a nice voice too, when I heard it I was genuinely surprised.





(5 edits) (+3)

Re playing it again. Ahh, I absolutely love it. I like the song in the menu right after you open the app. Those partial voice each calls uwa~ I also like to read the chapter of Lola xD Im glad that xyx also has a route. Worth of my rest time to play <3 my jaw got numb after giggling, smiling and laughing lmao. I look crazy xD Tbh I was reluctant to do the bad endings... I really hesitate to click the choices and when there's a decision for that, looking at them sad and hurt, ahh my heart T^T


*whisper* Will there be Onion route? *sob*

Is it normal that your screen is stuck when you got bad end?


This game HAS ME BY THE THROAT. I love every single thing about it and every single character is just SO CUTE. I think about these characters in daily life and will find myself thinking of them like people I already know. I've replayed a few routes once or twice simply because I miss these guys. Would love a "Hang Out" mode where you can just sit with a voice chat open without any dialogue. Just some fun background with the background music. 

The theme song is the BEST


I seriously think this is one of my most favorite otome games I've played. Its definitely becoming a comfort game for me lol. I just cant bring myself to do the bad ends yet haha

I got Quest's once, but it's not really a "BAD" ending per se'. 

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