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For other linux users - the .sh file packaged in the windows download is, in fact, natively compatible with linux if you have python installed.


i went for he/him proununs and in Quests route in day 4, when society starts bad mouthing Quest, he went 

in some stupid deadend job who hasnt talked to a `girl` in 5 years

and now hes using his widdle mod powers to win `her` over.

its just a little typo mistake, loved the new route tho!

All good! Someone did catch that bug a few days ago in the comments. If you redownload the game and restart the quest route (you can use CTRL and the red speed button to race ahead in 5 min) it should be patched out! You can see a list of fixed bugs above the download link - that's where I'll be trackin them. 

Thanks for affirming ya saw it though, and glad you enjoyed the route! 


eewlbdlk time to get back in- 

I'll be drawing toasty soon~ <333

(1 edit) (+1)

Gah, now I want to read the entirety of "Blooming Panic" webnovel >_<
The fan server background is so convincing, especially with the new zine and fanguide additions!

Also, I'm wondering how did xyx manage to mess up like that (the tech person speaking in me :D) 

. spoilers!





I mean, how is it even possible for the HYPEBOT to have access to the titles of his emails? Is there a canon explanation? No worries if there's none - I'm just programmingly curious (not nitpicking!), it didn't take away from the joy of the story :)


the addition of pronouns makes me so happy, lmao it's not as hard to self insert myself anymore, appreciate it loads. I really like these new changes. I love y'all.


I came back here after I've played the updated version. OMG!!! xyx's voice is too hot to handle. I played it twice without seeing the walkthrough and YESSSSS I got bad ending first (too sad I actually cried) and then good ending (he's too cute stopppppp)



I was recommended this game by chance and my god I don't think I have ever made a better decision than downloading it immediately IN MY LIFE. Please know that I will be thinking about these beloved characters for AT LEAST the next decade or so. Everyone is so pretty.....gah, and the VOICE ACTING! So good!! My heart.........

Thank you to the team for this wonderful wonderful game! <3

(1 edit) (+3)

So, I just bought a new PC and thought of playing something for my holiday break two days ago and saw that XYX ROUTE WAS OUT?? And NEW ART? With even more words than before? 
...goodbye sleep. 

But for real tho, I loved this game so much I'm  upset I finished it again, all endings and stuff, and now no other game catches my interest because this one stole my heart.

I already wrote a review almost a year back, but I'll say it again: you guys made an amazing game, with really realistic dialogue, and I can't really imagine how much work you must have put inside this game, I can only say thank you for everyone that played a part in it. 

Now is time for my babbling, if you wish to read me fangirl about those boys, please go ahead.

Last time I played, I loved Quest's route, and it was, by far, my favorite. But now all four routes have kind of... even out? Though I am inclined to like Xyx's a little bit more (maybe because I didn't really cared for Xyx before, his route really surprised me), and I may have played it twice already? His personality by the middle of the route forward sold him for me a lot, I really enjoyed the depth you gave him, beside the "funny and chaotic guy" we knew him from previous routes.

Nightowl's route... well, I only started it because I wanted to finish all the routes, but I really appreciate the additional scenes added. He is a good character, but his personality wasn't really one I match with, so if I had to rank all the routes, his would be on the bottom, but it was still pretty good. I loved the added content, the quiz especially was super fun!

Toasty's adventure game was amazing!! I read there was a lot more you created about it but didn't put it in BP, but maaan that was so much fun, I loved it (and wasn't expecting for the add stuff to be a game, but it was great), and the foreshadow in here got a lot better because of it. And well... it's Toasty, we love him, he's a cinnamon roll and I just laugh every time he mentioned Final Fantasy, he almost convinced me to play it (if I had the time lol).

Quest's route was the same, so I don't have a lot to say. I enjoyed it the same as before, and he's still the same sweetheart that stole my heart with that "angel" line (but he has competition with "doll" now). So I had not a lot of surprises with his route, but he still warmed my heart nonetheless. He is the nicest of guys there and he is so calm, but not in that cliché calm and cold approach often done.

Honestly, this game just raised the bar for good character in games too high. Out of everything I love about Blooming Panic (which is already A LOT), the character work is just phenomenal. They are just too realistic. You absolutely nailed them. 

I can't express enough (in a coherent way, because the word doesn't even exist in my vocab), how much I enjoyed this game as a whole, and I will be playing it again and again, and other games you put out. 

And if you read until now, I hope you all have a great holiday <3

Ps. that version of the opening song is HILARIOUS omg lol

hi! i adore the new update! fantastic game, but sometimes in the game they refer to me with they/them pronouns when i choose she/her? like in the second adventure game in toaster's route, and a few times during xyx's route. Love the game regardless! thank you for making it, it's been a really nice place of comfort, i think you've made my year, and maybe the next few, haha, thank you!

(1 edit)

I believe in those instances it's more of a writing choice where sometimes you refer to someone as "they" offhand. Thank you for playing!


I absolutely love blooming panic and the team that created it! It blew my mind that this was done in a game jam, it was already so good I didnt think they could top themselves! Congratz on the release and I hope the team enjoys their holidays, thanks for giving fans such a nice holiday present <3


im replaying this again for the 100th time and its literally melting my brain (affectionate


Left an early review 4 months ago and I'm doing it again now - this has been one of my favorite games since my first gameplay, and as soon as I saw the update notice I knew had to play this again. I'm not really far right now, but I'm having so much fun! I feel like I'm falling for Toasty once again, and the new content is fabulous! can't wait to play the other routes and finally try xyx's one. I'll be back soon to add more positive comments, for sure. Just wanted to thank you and your team for this great game, been having a rough night and this game really made me smile. 💞

also can't wait to become a blushing mess because of quest again

(1 edit) (+2)

love the game, replaying it rn on the new update! just wanted to let you know that on day 4 when societyboy starts going off he uses she/her pronouns for the mc, when i have he/him pronouns selected! but again, still love the game <3

Someone pointed this out to us last night and we do have a fix up! If you redownload and restart the route, it should be fixed (you can use CTRL and the red speed button to race back to where you were). Sorry about that!!

just noticed that rn! sorry lol

Oh no worries at all. I'm glad someone affirmed they saw it!! Don't hesitate to let us know if you see anything else!


xyx my beloved....

and god bless kazoos


Just ended it again,what can i say? The game already had my maximun rating,and now i want to raise it.You guys made it even better.Xyx route was cute,and the new Cg's are marvelous.Thank you for this update and for the game.


I wrote a really detailed comment when this first dropped about 6 months ago, but I just recently replayed for xyx's route and to see the changes and additions in the other routes, and this is still one of favorites (if not very favorite) renpy games. Xyx was always my favorite character, and it was amazing to get to have calls with him finally. 

One small thing I noticed while replaying Quest's route: I chose to play with they/them pronouns, and when societyboy is giving Quest a hard time, he keeps referring to the player with she/her pronouns. 

Oh wow thank you for pointing that out! We will get a fix out ASAP


Okay, fixed!! Thanks again for letting us know. If anyone sees any other issues like that, please tell us 🙏 

In order to apply this fix, you'll need to download the game again and start the route over from the beginning. You can use CTRL to skip through text and the red top speed button to make the process faster to get to where you used to be. Sorry again!! 

(1 edit) (+2)

I was planning on replaying this anyway after finals,,,

but to my surprise the game got reworked and a NEW XYX ROUTE?? I love it. I love the new content and the boys' new look <33 The relatable Xyx has quickly made it to the top of my list along with nightowl (but I still love quest and toasty as well).

unfortunately all of my saves have deleted themselves, seeing as I discovered this info before the new patch today :,) but that only serves me the pleasure of playing them again! is it wrong to have wanted to play xyx's route again already??

this game has made it to my all time favorites and i give a round of applause to everyone who has made everything in this game possible. one of the best presents for the holidays <33


onionthief route when??? /j

yes he has his faults like in nightowl's route but he did genuinely apologize and I'd love to imagine what it'd be like to have a route for him. not necessary ofc I love the game how it is. just a penny for thoughts ig??? anyway, keep up the great work and have a happy holidays everyone!!


I think... Im in love with xyx??? i already loved his personality in the first version of this game (my type is the jokester flirty boi bc when they get soft on you it's asfsfa;sdfj) so now that there's an xyx romance route my life is complete. 

ty for this gem


XYX was so cute. Thank you for the addition!!


rdaurr rowderrr radurr rowder chowderrr


i completely agree


it's exam season but you can bet i RAN here as soon as i heard the news!!

god. i would give my life for nightowl. the art is giving me life and the new content?? no words. i didn't think it possible for you to outdo the amazing work of the first release, but you definitely,  definitely did. i can't wait to play through all the other routes again + xyx!! but alas. i have to study. i am a little biased towards nightowl (he has my heart) so i had to make an exception but i am telling you. i. cannot. wait. i'm gonna power through all the work i have left just to enjoy this in peace lol.

again, thank you for all your work. words cannot express how much this game means to me. thank you again. i hope all the team has a nice holiday season!! stay safe and take care <3


Relatable but unrelatable I want BIGLADY to be an option
(Still happy with the best bois though <3)


THANK YOU FOR THE FULL VERSION. Xyx is such a gift to the world. BEST BOI. <33 


i played the first version before AND IT WAS SOOOO GOOD. can't wait to play the full bloom edition AAAA


Just finished playing Full Bloom Edition. Thanks for the early holiday surprise!! nightowl is still my favorite, though all of the boys were so superbly written and voiced. I think the additions were so smart and on point, really fleshing out the backstories and character motivations while providing more interaction with side characters. And all the activities! Though nightowl and I should never team up, we would share a brain cell... ^^;; Does Faefield have any plans to release a soundtrack? Otherwise I'll keep messing up my itch play hours to rock out to the theme song XD

Yes! I believe they are releasing tracks one at a time on their socials first, then they will be releasing the full set of new tracks for streaming/download 😎 you can find links to their socials above in the credits list (faefield, kija, and orpheo)

(1 edit) (+3)

Every single route stole my heart in a different way. Don't get me wrong, I loved the first version of the game, but the second version was even better! The art, the music, added dialogue, and of course, the new love interest! It was all so well done and so fun to play. There is an authenticity in your game that is difficult to capture, but is truly so wonderful to experience. Thank you so much for the update! 

Also, the xyx route was INCREDIBLE! I didn't necessarily see the appeal at first (I loved the first three routes too much!) but he completely stole my heart and soul! He reminds me a bit of Seven in Mystic Messenger, which is the highest compliment I can give because that is my favorite romance of all time. The route was fun, funny, soft, and unexpected, plus the voice actor was sexy, sweet and generally amazing! 

Wonderful job! You and your team are truly incredible and I can't wait to see what you'll create next. If you have a Patreon or Kofi, please let me know! I'd love to support ya'll!

Final question- are we going to get an onionthief route next bc.... I am 100% ready to invest my emotions/lose my heart to another Blooming Panic love interest <3


i just found out about the game and OH MY GOD???? it was so well written, and the characters are amazing and felt real, the dynamics of the chats too had me giggling and laughing all the time. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! it made my day you have no idea :D also i wonder if i can have xyx's pfp in the game lmao i kept searching for it but i can find it hahha


I’m so excited to see a new route😊 really loved this game when I played a while back! So glad I can jump back into it again!


after more than 8 hours playing I love xyx more than quest, but the problem is where are the night owl muscles ;-;  I miss his muscles... but anyway my favorite character is xyx sadly he's not real, if he was real I swear I would propose to him and carry him home  immediately, sorry if my grammar sounds stupid because it's not my primary language<333


I'll likely be dropping the shirtless version in the fan server at some point 😎

^-^yeah because i miss his muscles so much, tbh the first time i played, his muscles was the first thing that attracted me to play the nightowl route over and over again<33333333


sees new route

sees pronoun options




oh my god xyx has somehow managed to worm his way into my heart alongside nightowl without my knowledge. how did this happen? i do not know. (maybe when i heard his voice the first time and i totally blue-screened.) 

but seriously, i loved this game so much the first time i played, and i cannot wait to replay the whole thing again! <3


this is the only game which matches my dream to date the discord moderator, the troll AND the sarcastic guy (not at the same time sadly).

i've never been able to be active in a discord server for more than 1 year.

thanks robobarbie, you rock


I believe in xyx supremacy


I finished playing most of the new content... And I have to say that I couldn't possibly love it more.

The new art style is SO CUTE, sure, it was weird at first, but I got used to it really fast. The little voice messages for the side characters? BLISS. June's and Biglady's voices... ugh... Perfection.  The mini-game inside Toasty's route was great, I will have to do his route over and over to get all the different endings xD 

And XYX? Oof. I loved everything about him... His voice, dear lord. *Fans herself* Toasty is still my number one, but, oh, xyx was so close to dethroning him.

I haven't done the bad endings, and I don't think I can do them. I CRIED WITH XYX'S GOOD END, FFS. I can't handle being mean to any of them :(

Excellent job! Looking forward to future projects! :^3


xyx <3<3<3 loved his route. seriously amazing hes so cute. 




The internal conflict with each of the guys in the routes is just *chef's kiss* I love every one of them and I'm so happy I finally get to smooch my meme lord xyx


I just replayed all the routes and I love the new update, especially the little cameo on nightowl's route! xyx has officially taken over as my favorite (his voice!) but I still love them all so much! Honestly, this game makes me smile so much. Thank you so much!


It's obvious how much care and love that went into this game and the update-- there are so many delightful little touches. I'm still early on in my re-play (am trying to savor it as I binged the hell out of it the first time), but it's an absolute delight. 

Thank you so much for this! <3

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