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okay i just finished the game and i absolutely love it! dont even care that i had to be a girl!

(1 edit) (+4)

I am so in love with this game! When I played I just couldn't stop and ended up binging it in one night! First I thought I would only play nightowls route, but after getting to know all the  characters I just had to play them all and I don't regret it one bit. The characters are amazing! They are adorable but have their own flaws too. And I love their interactions in the chat. The voice actors chosen for each character have done an amazing job! I loved doing the discord calls. The art was also amazing! Each character had a unique style and looked so good. 

In total I am just glad I found this gem and was able to play it. I haven't found a game like this in a long time, and I want to thank you for giving me this experience! I loved it so much <3


I've played this game so many times in the last week alone. I've been playing games like this for years and this is by far one of my favorites. All the characters are so cute and so funny! And the OST is just amazing. <3

(1 edit) (+2)

okay, i absolutely love this! the art style, voice acting, the fact you can speed up and pause it. its amazing!! and really the only thing i can say is I wish you had the option to choose pronouns. Bc idk about anyone else thats playing, but i dont use she/her  but I think its a great game <3 <3 like...honestly- love it keep up the great work!!






This is so flawless, not even onionthief could find anything bad about it

(1 edit) (+3)

From concept to execution, this game is flawless. Absolutely in love with the universe it creates. But uh,,,,,,, xyx route when?????

EDIT: Did not expect xyx to sound Like That. I am a simp.


I am in love with this game and am now following and downloading any other gam you make this is a masterpiece (does anyone know about other games the voice asctors played in?) the story was amazing and holy snickerdoodles i didnt expect that with toasty, I love thihs everything about it is amazing and I'm just, *chefs kiss* i love it so much

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm in-love with the game. The voice acting, the bgm, the song, characters, gameplay, and everything- brilliant *chef's kiss*. Thank you for making this absolutely wonderful game, Blooming Panic has cheered me up and made me feel how it feels to fall in-love all over again with each character with their different stories and personalities. I've been playing this almost everyday on repeat- thank you very much, for you and the other people who have contributed and helped in the making of this game.

I know we all are expecting an "xyx route" that you mentioned is coming out in 2022, which is thrilling and I bid you good luck for it, I'm looking forward to it. Now, it made me wonder if you might, or maybe not, in the near future make one for onionthief as well since he became an interesting character in my perspective- especially with his attitude that was shown in nightowl's and NakedToaster's routes. I'm just thinking though, no pressure.

Again, thank you guys for making the game. I bid you good luck with your upcoming projects and I hope more people appreciate your work. Stay safe and always take care of yourselves. Till the next game.


Thank you thank you thank you for those 2 pictures I saw on the files- it's very, I'm just speechless about it but it surprised me in a good way lol, very hot.


Omfg this was such a good game. I can tell that you guys put SO much work and effort into it! I'm absolutely shook that you guys managed to make such a great game within the confines of a game jam. So much went into it that it felt like a project that may have taken way longer. You guys are really powerful game devs because, while there is great art, music, and voice acting, you managed to tell such a great story over mostly strings of text. And literally, it felt so natural, I'm not on discord often but when I am it is just like this. Even down to the dialogue, the timing of text you programmed so well, the UI, everything felt so real. 

You know game devs are top notch when they can tell such a meaningful and moving story with simplistic elements. I was so hooked on this and honestly didn't want the story to ever end. I wish I could put into the right words how much I enjoyed this story. I will be following you and keeping an eye out for your future projects. Just wow, thank you for this experience. 


I'm so in love with this game. All the characters are so funny and sweet, It felt like I was really in a discord server with friends ;w; Lately, I've been scouring the internet for visual novels like these and I'm so happy I came across this game. NGL I replayed all the routes at least 3x in one-day asdgasdhj- All of the routes made me feel warm and out of breath. It's hard to pick a favorite since they are all sweet but toasty got my heart-- HAHA I'm super excited to see your future projects and xyx route  :DDDDD


I just finished playing and I can't even express in words how amazing this game is. All of the characters were so fun and I love them all, and it feels like you're actually part of the story. AWESOME GAME WOOOOOO


(Possible minor Blooming Panic spoilers) I've been meaning to write a proper review for you. The game really capture the warm, fuzzy feeling of being in a wholesome fandom, seeing folks get excited about their ships and AUs. Every character feels like a person, and it's a fun time. Xyx made me laugh several times (among other characters' jokes). I enjoyed every route--I played Quest and Toasty's paths while I was feeling under the weather (from nothing major in particular), and it cheered me up. Quest's route was particularly hard-hitting for be, because societyboy reminded me of someone from the past. The uncomfortablness was really well-written. Thank you for making this game. It has been wonderful being a part of this project and seeing it grow and *bloom*. :3


💚💚💚 thank you so much katy. It's been an absolute delight working with you and I'm glad this project has brought you joy!!


i don't normally comment on games but i just had to on this one. i absolutely fell in love with all the characters! i was so engaged with the story that i finished everything in one day lol. (also, salo is an absolute angel)


Ok, so, idk if robobarbie is going to care if I put this here (imsorryifyoudoaaaah) but, if you like Quest, go to "C:\Users\****\BloomingPanic-1.0-pc\game\images\programgui" you might find something you like xoxo






You have single handedly become one of my favorite person, the way I gasped the second I saw that picture man.


really fantastic! lmao at xyx's epilogue.


This was a great story I love playing games like this keep up the great work.


I have so many feelings o_o Just finished Quest's route after Owl's. The way Owl and Toasty were concerned about Quest after the whole Incident was so heartwarming. Two and BigLady, too. And Salo prolly had vastly different background but was definitely part of the group. I love everybody ;_; Even the way xyx trolled a certain somebody. I'm not usually for group chats, but this game and its uncommon gameplay(?) was really interesting.


...Okay, I finished Toasty's. I thought it'd be less climactic compared to Quest's, but I was wrong. I was so wrong. Definitely lives up to the Panic part of the name XD

I hope we get to see Xyx's route sometime next :D


I came to play for nightowl. Got Quests' route first, not disappointed at all. I love this VN so much that I have decided to do all the routes! I love all the characters and even when I only came for one route I enjoyed (now doing Toasty's route) 2/3 of the routes. I love this VN so much as I've said before, but I seriously mean it. One of the best and most fun games I've ever played. I also love how there is a conflict for each route. It makes things more interesting rather than just romance and no problems. 

Again, absolutely love this!!!! <3


Wow!!! I've been reading a lot of visual novels lately but this one really stood out!! It's so unique and engaging, I felt myself smiling the whole time, and I really felt like I got to know and connect with the different characters. The intro song is amazing, I would listen to that for hours. I love all 3 routes, but Toasty has to be my favorite because he's an amazing nerd and reminds me of my partner ;) Quest is also so awesome and sweet (and kinda spicy too heh). Nightowl is so extra, but it's adorable most of the time haha. Anyway, I just had to post a comment saying this is one of my favorite visual novels EVER and I HIGHLY recommend it!!! Thank you thank you for this <3


I created an account, just to RAVE about how wonderful this game was. I started Otome adventures, with Mystic Messenger, and there has been only 1 other game thus far to fill that "void" (Love Unholyc) with this unique format. 

This game is INSANELY good. I wasn't a HUGE FAN of the art style at FIRST, but once you're in the game, it's intensely different! I fell in love with the characters, and VA did SUCH an amazing job! 

I cannot wait until the release of XYX route, at the end of this year or next! Hurry UP already. If anyone has any other suggestions on chat room based games like this, I'd love to try them! 

I'd love to donate to the DEVS if I can, as well, if someone can point me in that direction! I love a good "free" game, but if it helps amazing dev's come up with even better games, I'm all for the monetary support! Good luck! Keep up the good work! 

(1 edit) (+4)

I've played all the routes and I can say that, Quest, was definitely my favorite BUT every one of them were precious. I was quite very immersed by their situation and stories. They each have their own problems and personalities that kept me wishing for more to read. Yes, the story is amazing in all the routes. Such a great platform and creation for this story. IT WAS FUN! And I could repeatedly go through it again. Thanks for all the amazing work! A masterpiece creation. If xyx is getting a route too ( looking from the epilogue ) I would be very excited for it. His personality makes me laugh with just a few appearances of his. <3 


Haha I love xyx's personality, too! When asked who was similar to Xander, I answered xyx XD


First route was nightowl, and he captured my heart the first time he called me "cutie." So excited for the xyx route! Fantastic game.


Okay, I already played all routes, and wowie, I thought I will only love one boy but oh boy, I was wrong! I love all of them! They all are so cute, sweet, and adorable! And I love their voice too XOXO! Man, I binge play this until 2.50 AM in my place lmao. That's just show how much I enjoyed playing this game! Though I was quite surprised to see the ???'s epilogues with xyx's name in it... And I can't wait to play his route too! And psst... I really love the song on the title's page too... Okay that's all from me. Lots of love for this game <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 


NGL, the first time Quest video calling MC, I found him to be scary because of the dark lightning and his eyes shining like that lmao. But his personality is really really really sweet... And I think with my personality likes this... Quest or Toasty would be my best type <3. But nightowl is hot tho (>///<)


this game was to freaking cute I have replayed Quest and Toasty's routes probably four times each by now! I hope we can get more content for this game! I just love the characters so much!


i am in love with xyx

Deleted 189 days ago

Omg this game is so good. It made me laugh and genuinely touched for the stories going on here. Every character had their own problems and all different but amazing personalities. Quest was my absolute favourite though because if I had a type he would be the definition of that.


Toaster has my heart. I mean they all do, but Toast has special privileges. fr tho this game is immaculate, especially the ending!!  Bot just needs a hug :)) I'm gonna be coming back for xyx's route def so see y'all then.


omg i love this! 


this is definitely my new favorite game !!

so BloomingPanic discord server when?


I love everything about this game. The soundtrack, the mood/ambiance, the game mechanic. So unique and fresh! The characters. They all feel so real, like you could easily imagine talking to these characters in real life and gushing over a fandom. It's one of the best otome games I've played in recent years.

I hope you make more games with this kind of setup. I would love to play more games created by this team.


This game has by far been the favorite one I've played this year. The writing, the humor, the art, and the voice acting is splendid! I love the OST and the design of the overall game. I will be looking out for updates on this game because it is my favorite!


xyx route when??? Great, fun game! 


He is getting one! Theres more info on their launch post about when he's being released!


i can't stop listening to the theme! This game is absolutely amazing and so far I've only experienced 3 endings! Can't wait to see the rest ^^ 


This is AMAZINGGG!!! I was grinning like an idiot all the way through. The art, VA, and especially the main menu OST, 11/10!  Ah if only the Bloomic server was real, I would trade anything to be able to join T.T


this visual novel is all i'm going to be dreaming about for the next month. thank u for blessing me


I LOVE THIS GAME SO FREAKING MUCH OMG!!!!! It was so well made and really immerses you in it. There's just the right amount of content and all of the routes were so well written. The art is just *chefs kiss* Great job on this!!!!

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