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The game looks stunning and the interactions between the members feels natural, props to all who have participated in the game development <3 I have to say though, is there any plan to make a specific walkthrough? I just can't seem to get nightowl's good ending and I don't exactly know why :(

Oh no! I posted a tiny guide on what to do under MilkChompz's comment, but since we have two comments about this now we'll make a walkthrough tomorrow!!


Started by playin nightowl and ended up getting his bad ending, is there requirements to get him to succeed or atleast a good ending? 

Also ended liking Onion and got kinda sidetracked and sad that the onion call ended up not happening :(, will we see more of Oniom later on?

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an onion fan!!! :OOO i'm glad he has some fans!! how to get nightowl under the cut -












nightowl's route is a little about learning to support him without putting pressure on him. try going back and selecting options that show you aren't ignoring him, or show that you are more interested in him being happy than just passing his test. the final call is also a little challenging, since he's very sensitive to how you word things. 

let us know if you still need help!! we can post a full walkthrough if needed :D 

(edit: oh, also about seeing more onion later on, you'll see him a bit in other routes, but only the three main love interests have video calls!)

only main love interests have video calls? oh darn...guess we have to get onion a route /s


I just finished Quest and NakedToster's Route and I must say I am absolutely in LOVE with them. The voice acting is so genuine (Especially NT's). How do you access NightOwls route?

hello!!! i'm glad you like the game so far!!! you can access nightowl's route by basically selecting all options at the beginning that have to do with staying up late or have a lot of !! in them, AND you say damien did the right thing during the fanart conversation. let me know if you still have issues!!


AAAAAH! THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME! i met the love of my life here (Quest)! hehehe jk

anyway this is really damnnn goood! the design, voice acting, the STORY!! IM SO IN LOVEEE WITH EVERYTHING (and with Quest too hehe)

im not really into nightowl's route tho, but i understand its not for everyone! he's still very cute!

and im really loving Quest and NakedToaster's route! i am their simp! i'll give them everything god damn!

u did a really great job on this game! i'll be following to see other good stuffs you make! 


JDKFSHFKJDSHFD this comment made us die laughing!! i'm glad you love Quest!!! he's a very good boy!!!! 


that as literally the cutest thing i've ever played, and now i'm playing it again. 

firstly, can I just talk about the design and all that- I'm legit impressed about how it felt so much like discord, it actually felt like it was real and happening in real life. 

as for the characters and route, I've played all three routes AND IBVEINFV NIGHTOWL-  his route was so adorable, I cant even describe it, seriously HE is adorable I just love it to the point where im at loss of words. 

also the music channel rieguegb loved that 

it was just an incredible experience, I love it and thank u <3

we're SO happy you like the music channel!!! it's a fun thing that i hope more players notice and mess around with :DD also yessss nightowl love!!! 


Oh. My. God. I don't comment on games but I just have to for this.

I just.. WOW. I finished the game just now and I am so so impressed!!

The discord, everyone felt so real- especially the voice calls. I could seriously imagine all of it happening irl and even some moments reminded me of my own discord server.

I everyone was so loveable, funny and endearing. Also to get back to the voice calls?? a m a z i n g 
It really has that idk how to call it- that raw? feel- that I could imagine talking to someone like that- that the emotions portrayed were realistic!!

I can't truly describe how much of a ride it was and how beautiful it was. 

Just.. 10000000/10

:sob: i'm so happy it felt real to you and reminded you of your own experiences!! that's exactly what we hoped for!!! :DD your kind words sustain us!!!


This game was so much fun!! I loved the memes lol. 

LOL thank you!!


Ahhh this game was so much fun! the server felt totally real and all the characters are great! I love all of the boys but my favorite is Toasty for sure, I just loved his voice acting and his personality! (he's so cute) Quest is probably my second favorite? I liked his story more than NightOwl's, also tattoos :o. Moving on to NightOwl he's adorable! I think I just really didn't his lash outs it kinda lowered him on my list but that's probably a good thing makes him more real! Anyway you've totally convinced to follow and keep a look out for any other games!

Awwww, I appreciate the support!! Toasty's voice actor did an incredible job, so I'm glad he's topping some people's lists!! 

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I just finished it, and I definitely recommend it, it's so well made, especially for an otome jam- I honestly thought it would be only a demo for a commercial game-.Congrats is all I have to say to your team, and I will be looking forward to your new projects <3

PS. That 4th epilogue ruined me, excuse me I demand more of it now, don't leave me hanging??

LOL, glad you enjoyed it!! you'll be seeing more about that 4th epilogue next year, so stay tuned ~ 


love this so much <3 

super cute but also funny, art style is super cute and loved the voice acting it just feels hella professional C:

nakedtoaster has helped with my ffxiv burnout overall 10 outta 10

DSJKFHJKDSJFHS we joke in the dev server that this game is secretly just an ad for FFXIV, so i'm glad (?) it worked :DD 

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Hello everyone! You can now find the Blooming Panic OST here!


man this was so cute! so professional and well done and FREE, a miracle tbh

the idea is so cool, i've never seen anything quite like it before, I have to say that it feels so much like a real discord server it's unbelievable. 

Awww, that's what we were going for 100%. I'm glad it felt real!! :DD 


this is just what i had been looking for for so long! so charming and engaging, congratulations!!! i love it! and i love quest!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes!!! More Quest love!!! :DDD


omg, I just saw that the game was uploaded less than 1 day ago and has already some players! Anyway, I would be lying if I said the game doesn't deserve them. This is such a well-made game and it really looks just like discord, immersing you in the story! I really like some little details like the flickering heart indicating that u have unread messages in other channels, the videocalls and OH THE VOICES. The fact that the concept is new, the videocalls are voiced and the whole game being free... It's really great. I'm sure you will get a big fanbase. Keep up the good work!!!

So sweet!! We're so happy you loved it!! The VAs absolutely KILLED it in this game, so I'll be sure to pass on the praise!! 


I really enjoy this it feels so real. The art style is adorable. I would love to know what the music at title menu is call. I really enjoy games like this. NightOwl is my fave so far. :D But I also love the rest as well. All in all this game is fantastic! ♥


Yay! Nightowl is very cute indeed :DD also the title tracks are just called "Blooming Panic" and "Menu Title" LOL and you can find them here!


:D Nightowl got me giggle ♥ and thank so much I love the music ♥

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I just finished nightowl's route, he's so cute!! Honestly the dialogues are soo realistic and it feels like I'm in a real discord server ahaha, the butterflies I get from flirting through 'chat' is veery real too, even the anger and upset emotion I got from reading the  chat... it reminds me of the old days when I used to flirt around with boys in discord aha

Anyways, it's a very nice game, the songs, the voice actors, the lines, all of it! I'll come back when I finish all the routes! Thank you so much for making this game! 

Edit: Just finished quest!! Omg he's such a gentleman and soo dreamy in his route- he seems like a normal nice dude in owl's route but in his own route he's just- wow. I love him.

Edit 1: FINISHED IT ALL! But I missed one picture somehow... And whoa Toasty is such a sweetheart... He's so cute ;; It's really hard to pick but Toasty is really winning me over with his quirk, jokes, long hair and his veery nice voice...... 

End note: It's a REALLY GREAT game! I would definitely play it again one day, there are a few things that I would like to ask and discuss too but I'm afraid it might be a spoiler..? Idk how to put a spoiler here...


I'm so happy you liked the boys! This is the first time most of them have officially VA'd something, so we're all really proud of them :DD 

As for spoiler discussion, we'll be making our bloomic server public to players soon. I'll post when it's ready! 

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I am honored to be the first commenter here, this is a really well-made game! I love how the Discord conversations are pretty realistic. The characters are fun, and the concept is unique from most otome games. Thanks for this amazing work! <3


Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!!

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