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This game is like a rollercoaster ride - it's thrilling, exciting, and sometimes makes me scream like a little kid. Great job, developers!

(1 edit) (+3)

xyx was so sexy


am sad cause I expected the Quest route would be much longer TT. Quest was like MY MUST GET but maybe I played through the game too fast? the quality is great btw its a neat game!


I love this game a lot! I haven't played many visual novels before, but I'm certain to continue playing visual novels after this one. This game's extremely well made, and I enjoy how each run entails many different events! I quite love the fact that characters that aren't the love interests are given detail too! It's a real fun play! ^^


This game is really well done! There wasn’t anything I didn’t like, except that I couldn’t have more time with each character. (TOTALLY understandable as this is a free indie game) You could really feel the love and care that was put in by everyone who worked on it. I would be willing to pay for real DLC honestly, it gave me happy feelings and proved to be as good a source of Escapism irl for me that Blooming Panic gave for the characters in game, Heh. I was especially SHOOK with a certain ending that I won’t dive into because spoilers, I definitely did not see it coming. 9.5/10! I loved this game. ❤️ I’m a huge lover of NakedToaster, he is best boy to me. 

Deleted 1 year ago

That's what the walkthrough up top is for.


I'm back to say you all that I started semi-crying at xyx route. My mental health hasn't been okay for a long time, but it's particularly bad lately. It's plummeted down to probably zero/one but like... seeing that representation just really hit me :') 


i am in NEED of a onionthief route, as much as i really like xyx and nightowl (not yet finished with nakedtoaster), i keep finding myself leaning towards onion in hopes of finding a secret route for him.. like in owl's route where onion asked to call i was like "DID I DO IT, IS THIS IT, HAVE IVE GOTTEN MY LOVE'S END???".. no,, disappointment.. i am HOPING. i love onion's voice actor and his mannerisms.. plz.. i beg..

Hi, I'm autistic and not good socially/at hints and I was hoping someone could explain this situation to me; 

When Salo for the first time logged off, you get the option of saying teaching him to be technical could make him too powerful, ask if he's not tech savvy OR to say 'does he ever... unplug the wrong thing?' 

And I didn't know what that meant, so I chose that anyways (Nightowl's route lol) and the responses were... confusing to me. 

Nightowl just keyboard smashed and said that he DID do that, and Quest went 'OH come on he hasn't done that recently!'


I even googled it. NO results. Please, my autistic brain can't handle this I need help lol. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN ~~


Don't worry unplugging the wrong thing didn't have a double meaning basically asking if he has accidently unplugged for example, the plug powering the computer therefore shutting it off. So basically Salo has unplugged the wrong thing before but not in a long time, hope this helps! :)

Poor Salo :') I love him so much LOL. I wish there was like, a (platonic, obviously because I am guessing he's a lil grandpa and the rest is all in their twenties except for two2 who's a highschool student/applying to college, plus he literally says he has a family he loves) route where the main character just gets close to him and they gain a wise, kind grandpa figure. And help him a lot with the laptop. EITHER THAT or they don't know anything about laptops either so that's what gets them close. Just. Getting closer to Salo seems awesome to me :') 

Though thank you. So much. I was stressing over this. I was like 'LOL has he ever unplugged the wrong thing. Okay let's say this and hope that it does  not refer to life support, because that seems like something xyx would say and this is the Nightowl route sooo -- wait.... ??? WHY IS EVERYONE REACTING SO EXTREMELY? WHAT DID I SAY??? WHAT DOES IT MEAAAANNNN???' 

Everyone just reacted... very extremely but that may have just been in my head lol. I thought it was  a little TOO extreme to just mean unplugging something in the literal sense. But thank you so much ^^ 

I love Salo so much tho LOL 


Well, hey look. I gotta tell you something. I don't like romance. I hate it. I hate the 'friends to lovers' trope and I'm always screaming 'NO DON'T KISS YOUR *FRIENDS*' and then it feels ruined to me. I always avoid romance at all costs. I don't want a relationship. A game has to have platonic routes and be able for me to not participate in romance at all for me to play it. I think I'm just... too queer /hj 

Why am I telling you this? 

Because... the world must be broken. It's glitching and crashing. 

I like, no I LOVE a romance game. I need MORE. I NEED MORE. Please. Please give me more. 

I love the art and voice acting especially and Nightowl is so cool. I originally did the Quest route (finished that one) and then the story made me call Nightowl and I was like 'Woah, welp, I took the wrong route.' Now I'm doing Nightowl's route. I promised myself I'd delete it because oh gosh, romance. But now I just wonder about some stuff... and now I'm going to do all the routes! I also wish there was a Biglady route too. 

Also this may sound weird but I wish there was a Salo route. Not romantically, of course, as I would guess the main character to be in their twenties and Salo's age gap is one thing as well as the fact he already has a loving wife and family. No I mean a platonic route where instead of choosing romance, you just get a friendly, wise grandpa character that's super innocent and does not know what he is doing and you help him with laptop stuff (or you choose to not be tech savy either as I am NOT tech savy lol) 

I am literally rambling about a romance game. I mean, I don't put down others that like romance or romance games, it's just never been my thing. And now I'm rambling and loving a romance game. And THAT, my friends, is how you know a romance is good; when I of all people on earth love it. I just. I love this so much it's such a comfort. SINCE WHEN IS ROMANCE A COMFORT, I DUNNO. SINCE I FOUND THIS GAME. 

Also Nightowl's makeup, outfit, accessoires and nail polish are ON POINT he is so cool. 


Amazing game 🥰 

Enjoyed it and played all the four routes 

My favorite was Quest's and Xyx's 😭 

The voice acting is on point and the chat is too real to be a game 

I also got so attached to all the characters, they are so well written. 

I hope we could've play Onion's route tho 

Hard same on the Quest and Xyx routes love <3 I have yet to do NakedToaster's but holy crack, I love them so much.


they were absolutely good written and the artsyle is amazing


Mas Xyx por favor hands out

IIQWBFIOW My notebook is going to be filled Oh no

I played this game for Xyx and Xyx only, oh, and Cat ofc

Xyx and Cat are my loves



AMAZINGG- Sorry I won't be deleting this- My Fav Love interest, it's tie between quest and NakedToaster


Heya! I love this game!! Are you guys planning on making a android version anytime soon?


Some users have reported pretty good results with JoiPlay's legacy mode, your experience may vary depending on Android version, device, etc.


i can’t live without this game. I need a part two i’m begging literally begging. like a part two for only the routes you finished. like the bad endings for part two will be a break up or smth. i just need it so bad. i can’t keep replaying the same story i basically know the whole thing by heart at this point. please reply and take this into consideration.

love your #1 fan Abby 

I agree I am horrendously down bad lmao

is there a translation in french?

love love love this game! great work :) toasty's route was such a fun conclusion.

Wen Salo route???/s


I was actually thinking the same thing, but like seeing as he has a wife and is probably old and the MC is probably in their twenties, I was thinking a platonic route where you help him and become like a cute wise grandpa relationship with him, platonically. He's so wholesome.


I must protect NightOwl at all costs. 


i've spent 40 hours on this game, I don't regret it at all <3


got all the good endings, theyre all such interesting characters and i love them all <33 i will not do the bad ends cuz i hate sad and angsty stuff so im good now when ive gotten all the good endings and extra stuff ! really such a funny and unique game, love it lots <33


i ADORE this game but a route for one of the girls would also be amazin

That idea has my full support!!! 


its literally so well made and the deeper stories of the characters are so good I already have the good endings for all 4 but imma be sad getting the bad endings I'll feel so bad T^T

(2 edits) (+2)

i said nighty night to every one while i played and i almost choked to death when i heard Toasty saying that to me instead, thanx y'all i loved it <3



Kinda want to see bad end? I don’t want to go through it tho, I love him to much to do that Stoic stare


What you do is you download the game and then use a compressed file opener(I use 7-zip) by right clicking and selecting exact all. After it finishes exacting, open the unzipped folder and click the game icon.

Deleted 85 days ago

One of my friends thought I was on Discord when they looked at my computer lol

I tried to relaunch the game today - but it kept saying files were missing.. i played it yesterday... please help - this is my comfort game T^T

(1 edit) (+2)

This was too good omg, the first time in my life that I don't want to get the bad endings!!, some of them are really relatable and the other characters too. Ngl, it would be really cool to get a BIGLADY route, she's like so me cuz women
Anyways, amazing game, loved the art, and the voice acting was really good!!! also the OST OF THIS GAME?????? SO FRICKING GOOD, the chats felt so real!
Such good characters, with stories that can be actually seen in people, lovely
Totally will recommend this to my friends!, thank you so much for this game, it was amazing
A round of applause to all of you!! 

oh gosh yeah I was thinking the same thing!! I think there's only male/nonbinary (? Pretty sure there's a masculine character that uses they/them or he/they) so it'd be cool to have a female too :D 

I absolutely adore this format and story! I hope you can share a bit of knowledge on how did you program it? Is that too technical of a way to view things? I'm just astounded by how you made everything! I'm a baby programmer T-T all the best wishes to you guys!


this was INCREDIBLE! The voice acting, the plot, everything was amazing. I will say I was too scared to get the bad endings, I got one and was so sad :((. My top three were Quest, xyx and toast in that order. This truly seemed like a labor of love and I enjoyed every second of it. 


I love this game so much, AND IM SO ABSOLUTELY in love with xyxs voice, who's his VA!?


mike young, its in the credits! ^^

Rushing to credits



the most toxic trait out of the characters is that xyx is british /j



First of all, I'm pretty sure that this entire game is some kind of promo for FFXIV.... just kidding.

In all seriousness, this isn't the type of VN I usually go for, but I saw it on a recommendation list with many other IFs and VNs that I have thoroughly enjoyed. I don't regret trying this out one bit. I played all four routes, and they were all incredible in their own ways. In case anyone is interested, from my favorite to least favorite it was NakedToaster, xyx, nightowl, and then Quest. Also, can I just say... the ANXIETY I felt during NakedToaster's route was UNREAL. I have truly never been so invested in a VN.

I don't want to spoil too much, but 10/10 would recommend. If you're thinking about trying it out, just DO IT!


I WANT TO BE SALOCIN DAUGHTER I LOVE HIS VOICE46 Heart meme ý tưởng | đang yêu, hình ảnh, dễ thương


I play this game in my living room and i don't know all character have voice and then nightowl call me is hard to explain for my mom than how i get 4/10 on math (sorry my english is suck)

(1 edit) (+1)

I literally create an acc just for commenting.

I LOVE THIS GAME, I FCKNG ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!!! Its been a while for me playing otome vsual nvl (since I'm busy with life in general) but look at me playing this on Sunday night until Monday dawn JUST BECAUSE I COULDN'T STOP WITHOUT GETTING ALL THE ENDING (AND I HAD TO WORK ON MONDAY HELP).

The plot twist, all the characters personality (I feel like I'm chatting with my online friends lmao), and the 4 LI god dang it. I started with nightowl (because he looks cute and the youngest) but damn he swears at me and onion (why) :( also his bad ending kinda hit home a lil bit (because I also had a similar shit going on back im college like him, it hit me right in the kokoro ugh).

Next I'm squelling like a bashful teenager because Quest keeps flirting back and his "Angel" making me weak, knee become spaghetti lmao. Quest story is my no. 1 fave, I played it twice and will be replaying it again tmr (edit. at least every week) lmao.

Bri'ish xyx caught me off guard, his route making me lost my shit, he's so dang funny (also his tongue lmao). His story is okay, but its his troll personality that hit it off with me (who wouldn't want a handsome and funny man, also he rich af lol)

And we face the final boss in Toasty route (MAN I LOVE HIS VA, I SHIVERED EVERYTIME HE TALKS AND LAUGH HELP).plus xyx irked because of Toasty in their private ch was so fucking hilarious lmao

My personal fave:

1. Quest (his route story, and he is buff lol I like them big (?))

2. Toasty (his voice just ... I'm ascending)

3. xyx (I can't get his discord pfp out of my head even when in romantic situation LMAO HELP)

4. nightowl (his teetee moment after he lashed out at mc and onion, meeeehhhhh. I know its for plot, but still ... He's lucky he's cute hmph.)


LOLL LITERALLY ME WITH XYX!!!! Also don't you find it so weird that you still dont find out their names after Toasty's route?? like I didnt just work 8 hours just to never get told their actual names.. JUST TELL ME WHAT THEIR NAMES ARE!!!! 

Also I was totally expecting Quest to call us his "kitten" like a stereotypical discord mod?? like "hey kitten, show us some feet pics :smirk:" AND YEAH I LOVED TOASTY'S VA TOO!! man this game is so cool im still obsessed with it

(1 edit)


YOU GUYS LMAOOOO But really it will be funny if Quest suddenly kitten us DISCORD MOD KITTEN WITH QUEST LETS GOOOOO hehe
Instead we got xyx kitten :"))))

Cat best kitten lmao


This is really cool when are we getting a mobile version? *cries in doesn't own a computer and can't have one*

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