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I LOOOVEEEE THIS GAME WITH ALL MY HEART!!! I got to experience everyone's route and I loved it. Didnt do the bad endings yet tho. BUT PLEASEE, CAN SOMEONE RECOMMEND ME GAMES LIKE THESE???? IM BEGGING YOU!!!

(11 edits) (+3)

Well, I'd highly suggest "Our Life: Beginnings and Always." I played it on Steam! I think you could download it on here if you prefer, though. It's such a breathtaking game. Not only is it LGBTQ+ friendly (well, your only love interest is a male, but you are allowed to choose your own gender/pronouns). There's so, so many other features to it as well that just make it perfect for me. The DLCs are also so heartwarming, everything is just chefs kiss worthy!

They're also coming out with a second game. Our Life: Now and Forever. You can play the Demo on Steam or on here. It's hinted that the full game might be coming out in the fall.

Our Life: Beginnings and Always is based in the summer, this new game is based in the fall. They said it'll come out "when the season is right". I might be wrong, but I took it as a hint nevertheless.

I'd also suggest Saint Spell, which is here on And then there's the game When The Night Comes. None of these are internet chatroom based, but they're all LGBTQ+ friendly and interesting in their own ways! I very much favor Our Life more, however. So I'd highly, highly suggest playing that one first if you haven't already.

Of course, this game is old, so you've most likely already played it―but there's Mystic Messenger, which is a chatroom based game that you can only download on your phone. It used to be incredibly popular. And while the fandom is long dead by now, there are a few remaining who are very much alive. Like me.

Mystic Messenger is... debatable on LGBTQ+ elements, but it still has its great moments and storyline. Then again, there is one woman (other than you in the game) named Jaehee! But while she does have her own route, it's a platonic one. I think? That's why I said it's debatable. Her route confuses me to no end. I just headcanon her as "she has feelings for the MC but she's stuck in the closet". 

In Blooming Panic, I did notice that "xyx" has a similar personality and role in the story to a character in Mystic Messenger, named "707". While "nightowl" is also similar to a character in Mystic Messenger, named "Yoosung". Of course, they're all still very different characters with their own good and bad attributes! But if you haven't played Mystic Messenger yet, you might enjoy the similarities in these characters.

Here are two others I'll quickly mention: The Arcana, which you can download on your phone. My opinion on this game is rocky. While I appreciate the artstyle and storyline, there are often (far too often, in my opinion) options where you have to pay. And they're always the most interesting options. It sucks, and I haven't finished the game due to that.

There's also Twisted Wonderland. Which isn't a dating game nor chatroom based, and whoo boy do I have my own strong critiques on the game, but I still love so many of the characters, storyline, and artstyle.

Well, I hope I helped you out! All of these besides Mystic Messenger aren't similar to Blooming Panic at all. So I'm sorry for that, but I do hope I still helped somewhat. I also want to note that The Arcana is the only game I listed with paid options, so no need to worry with the others.


OH MY GODD THANK U, i already played Our Life its amazing omg. Ill definitely try the otherd u recommend!!, thank u sm again😩❤️

(1 edit) (+1)

Haha, it's no problem at all!~ Great to see another Our Life fan, as well. 😉

Oh, I forgot to mention that Twisted Wonderland also has you, the player, as the MC―all of my recommended in there do.

I'm so happy that I helped you out. Hope you have fun! 💕


This is such a well put-together VN, one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had in this genre.

The concept of being in a Discord-esque server and building relationships with the people in there is a great one, and having to navigate the different individuals with their different personalities is equally enticing and stress-inducing (in a good way)!

I only played through the one route so far (Nightowl, because apparently that's my type!), but I'll for sure be diving back in at some point to see what the other stories hold for me.

I can't recommend this game enough!


I FRICKIN' LOVE IT!! I did all ending except the bad Toasty one and I'm so scared to do it because I took quite liking to NakedToaster so I'm not sure if my heart will take that much of a demage :,)) Also the voice acting and the fluffiness in good endings AAAAA SO GOOOOD. Too add in my opinion all the bad endings are heart breaking (of course I'm not saying it's a bad thing because they're pretty damn written), but still I love the game <333


Quest is my truth love!!!!

If perfect was a game it would be this.


omggggggggg I LOVE THIS GAMEEE!I LOVE Nightowl!!!I want to learn more about there any other stories about them?Will there be a sequel to the game?




i'm soooooo sadddd!!!i like nightowl very much but i played the bad ending!!!i'm so sad and i want to there anyone who can tell me how to get good ending?

(1 edit)

im not sure if you've found it yet, but under the development logs there's a route for nightowl's route, its what i used to get the good ending and i thoroughly enjoyed it, i added the link to it in case you cant find it :)

ohhhhhh thank uuuuuuuuuuu!!!

i love this game!!!I wonder if there's a strategy?


HI!! just got this game today and am blown away—the attention to detail, the fact that you can actually interact with the chat and messages??? woah. anyways, i played nightowl's route, but didn't even realize i was, if that makes sense.

how can i trigger the other routes? i'm not really sure how i got into nightowl's route (not that i'm complaining) i just want to be able to play the others to complete the game, and how to trigger them to enter them.

incredible game! thank you for sharing it with us!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, hi!

I really loved this game so much. It made me tear up with all those things happening, like it was a real discord group, real people and everything.

The nightowl, in my opinion, was the best out of them all <3

The others are good too, but Nightowl has a place in my heart :,). I identified with him all the way till the last episode of him.

Not to mention, I loved the songs so much! The first own was like "Huh? Are they talking already? I haven't even pressed the start button" It was so good that you put some voices in the song from the opening of the game. It made me smile, I mean it <3.

Thank you so much for this game, tho.

If you are reading this just to see if the game is worth it. It really is :D <3. So get ready and start downloading this game if you like this type of novels <3.

yeah, go for it! I'm pretty open with letting people do whatever they want with the game, whether thats modding, reviewing, streaming, etc. ty for playing as well and glad u enjoyed!

Aw, thank you so much!

It's a really great game after all. Hope you keep making more games like this <3

Honestly words CANNOT EXPLAIN how awesome this game is, all the routes are absolutely beautiful. I dont have a favorite but nightowl will always hold a special place in my heart, the detail put into this game is extraordinary the drawings the voice acting everything, i cant imagine what your future games will be like and im super excited to see them, keep working hard!

This game has so much lore, and not to mention the mental health aspects of it. 10/10.


Holy crap, the effort put into this game: the art style, the voice acting and the story, and not just the game's story but the story of the book they're all fans of 'Blooming Panic'. You could've fooled me into thinking this was an actual thing. The zine is beautiful, I can't believe you actually made an account and drew and wrote all of that. You're honestly so amazing and I hope you continue doing what you love whether or not it's doing these games or something else.

Hi! I've really enjoyed this game so far, this is truly a masterpiece! Bravo, bravo! I do have one question though, I did both nightowl and Quest story but I'm having trouble getting to NakedToaster's story. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I would really appreciate some assistance? I read your notes and I thought that after completing nightowl and Quest's story it would lead me to NakedToaster. I look forward to your response, thank you! 

Do Xyx's route.


Do Toasty and xyx have canon FFXIV characters? What race and class did they pick?

Deleted 1 year ago

No it does not, and yes you should.


onionthief route?? maybeee? ;w;

Deleted 1 year ago

ooh yes

Deleted 1 year ago

te entiendo totalmente querido/a xd

(1 edit) (+3)

UGH my heart amazing storyline and characters Nightowl is best boy tho ^^


Fighting for my life. I went into this thinking it was happy-go-lucky and then BOOM bad end 😭

Great writing though! Before the end of my first run, I felt connected with every character and that made it so much more poignant. I'm nowhere near done with this game yet but it's already in my favorite VN folder. Wonderful game!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game, havent finished it like at all yet but OH MY GOD ive been playing it for 2 HOURS ALREADY!!!!!! EEEEEE <33

(2 edits) (+1)



NO SAME LMAOAOAOAOA I thought it was right to do so! I guess it goes down to do choices we wouldn't find it "our way" to make

(1 edit) (+10)

Onion when tho
I wanna see whats behind that moody bih

Jokes aside, the urge to make fan characters of this game is MORE THAN PALPABLE
"We might as well be married and i dont even know your real name, smh"

That aside, i did this in the order of; Xyx (by just doing what i would normally do in a situation like this), Quest, NightOwl, then NakedToaster. I should have done this sooner istg






"If you want to pause the game, type the command /traveleroasis"


Awkward Unus Annus Pictures


SUCH A GOOD GAME. it's short but god there's just something about it that makes it easy to come back to and play over and over! i'm a big quest simp but all the other routes were really good as well! only con was how long it took me to figure out how to get xyx's good ending *sob*


OH MY GOD. I just finished Toasty's route and it had me crying by the end of it!! It was a rollercoaster of emotions. This game is truly a masterpiece among otomes, and I've played Many. When I first played through Bloomic, I got NightOwl's route and I instantly fell in love with his character. The writing in this has been amazing and kept me on the edge of my seat. Quest's route was also really cute but at the same time the drama! Wow. I just need to complete xyx's route. I'm really sad that I'll never be able to play this game "For the First Time" ever again. That was an experience, and I loved every part of it. The voiced lines really added to the atmosphere of it too! Sorry this review has been all over the place lol, I'm just feeling a lot of things right now. Thank you for making this game! I really loved it.


Bro when I tell you this game is amazing so far! I love the routes! Haven't gotten to Toasty yet, but I am so stumped with XYX's good ending! I am determined to find his ending!



"Im pretty sure im allergic to kiwi"

Brooo dont be embarrassed, me too. Its a secret cuz i really like kiwi, and i am MORE THAN WILLING to go to the ER to scarf down a few of those


I played the original when it came out, and just played the complete version. I liked the additions, made it more amazing than it already was! Don't think I would want to change a thing.


this was aMAZING. Just absolutely incredible. I got Quest first and fell in love, but then I did xyx and not me over her sobbing! All of the routes were amazing, but something about xyx is just so sad... but also so happy and I just love it and him!!!!!!<3

(lmao posted this in the wrong place at first)

(1 edit)

Ahh, so I've just completed all 8 endings and let me tell you, I adore this game so fucking much and highly recommend playing it. 

All the characters are so incredibly charming in their own way that it's so hard for me to settle on a favourite (usually I have a clear fav in these type of games). All the characters are so relatable in different ways varying in personality and experiences - I especially found xyx intriguing which surprised me cos I guess I didn't know what to expect for his type of character and Quest is more of the type of guy I would go for, haha. And since I got attached to all characters quite quickly, their bad endings hurt me so badly - especially Nightowl's </3 (WHICH AGAIN, SURPRISED ME). 

The voice acting for all characters was so endearing, I legitimately can't decide with I like more. The interactions between the main love interests and side characters are so authentic and loveable too. I even wish the MC could call and speak with them too - like SalociN was so bloody cute. OH AND the features! Oh my god- I loved being able to change the music. 

Ahh, just overall this game is so brilliant and charming. Really happy I came across it. Really, incredible work to everyone who played a part in producing such a high-quality and well-developed game.

I'll come back and write a more detailed review at some point probably, I played this game before xyx route and loved it and still love it and play the routes through like all the time, when I want a game to play but don't know what to play, this is my go to game.

However, the reason I made the review in the start was to tell you that I hope you see this and know that I started playing ffxiv because of NakedToaster. 

(I also made him in character customisation in ffxiv, but shh, lol)

OH MY GOD toasty's story has me literally bawling i love him..... this was amazing <3

So fun! I need a man like Quest now wwww

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I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH! Where can I find myself a real Quest?? LOL

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I would sell my soul to xyx. 

Now that I've finished this game, I feel so empty inside lmao. The love interests are cute and witty and funny and hot. The calls were lovely and the chats were hilariously authentic. I laughed a lot, squealed out of excitement a few times and also cried a bit (only a bit though hehe). 

99/10 would recommend this game and now I'm definitely craving for my own discord boyfriend.

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