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I keep coming back to this game! Idk what crack you put into it but thank you robobarbie & co!


This is actually the coolest shit ever - I am obsessed and more otome games NEED to be made this way omg



It remindeds me of Mystic Messenger without all the paid bs LOL

ps. xyx & Quest are the best <3


Playing Blooming Panic was one of the best decisions I could have made, I fell in love with the whole plot and the development of each character. My favorite route was xyx route because it was the one I identified with the most and it touched my heart of ice!

I wouldn't mind still being the funny one of the group with xyx by my side!

I'm glad that I downloaded this game out of curiosity. I've done every route (except for xyx which I think was a bad idea as I already finished Naked Toaster's)

ps i love nightowl. he just caught my heart immediately, especially by that one call ><

bestie trust me u need to play xyx's route

I did.. and it makes me wanna do his route all over again 😭


when nightowl snaped i started crying but not cuz i was acting like the character or anything it was cuz i felt like it was actully happening. i felt like i was getting yelled at even after i didnt do anything. because it already happen


[crossposting my review here!]

The first thing that drew me in was the adorable theme song. I love the bits with the character dialogue in the background.

After that, it really stuck out to me how realistic the server as a whole feels. The characters all feel like real people, complete with all their jokes and arguments and memes and everything. It seriously feels like it could be an actual, real server and I love that! The writing team must have had so much fun with the lighter portions of the chats, lol.

And the boys. THE BOYS. I love them all so much. I wasn't expecting just how viscerally painful the hard parts of the story could get; as somebody with very personal experience with the way nightowl would lash out, the sense of losing all the people and the space you care about in the way things fell apart with everyone in 3/4 of the bad ends, man. It was all real rough, especially the way nightowl and Quest's bad ends went. Just another reason things felt so real, but ow my heart.

Gameplay was this was also just really unique! It's the most complicated "chat-like" game that I've played, with Bloombot and the music tracks and everything. Lots of fun in that regard!

I don't know if any additional routes for some of the other characters are planned, but I would be ecstatic if so. (onionthief redemption route when LOL)

ps: i love them all but Toasty is BEST BOY. <3

This game is so good!! Salo was def my favorite character!! ^^ & Xyx route day 5-6 was so real but sad :(


A FORKING GOAT!!!Such an appealing game!!!Even better than most of the games that need to be paid!!

btw xyx totally ruin my life fr


Honestly one of the best visual novels I've played in a while and to believe its totally FREE?? The devs are nuts and I adore them and their team for all that they've done.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

i usually dont play visual novels BUT THIS, THIS IS MY LIFE NOW, IM NOT EXAGGERATING



What a fantastic game, I had so much fun with it! I may have stayed up all night, nightowl style, to complete every single route. Making it look like a discord server is an inspired idea, and an excellent way to take advantage of all the screen real estate that visual novels often don't. Instead of my attention being divided between the images and text on the bottom half of the screen constantly, I felt fully engaged.

Another inspired idea, making the actual webnovel and it's associated fanart and fanfic to populate the server. Not only does it make it more alive and realistic, but I LOVE 'fake' fiction inside fiction, it's one of my favourite things.

The writing for the characters is very strong. Everyone has a distinct personality and I found myself getting very attached to them. I really like that the non-romantic characters have more of a voice than most visual novels give them, I just wish I'd had more time to spend with them, maybe even get a chance to help them and hang out with them more. Friendship route DLCs? :Dc

My oooooooonly sense of missed opportunity was that there was no easter egg for naming yourself Lola. That would have been perfect. Excellent game!



i'm never ever gonna stop thinking about this 

OMGGG THIS WAS SO SO SO GOOD!!! i loved every second of playing this game, the characters are so well made (and relatable), the story is so interesting and fun. ugh just an amazing game all around!!!




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time for my regularly scheduled replay of bloomic. here i come xyx.


you're so real for choosing xyx LMAO


sassy men with a mysterious past that like to bully you are my weakness, i fear heehee


*sigh* it's almost been a year since i first discovered bloomic and till this day i still get on my knees to pray to whatever gods listening for my own real life Quest like gah GOD PLEASE THERE GOTTA BE A QUEST SOMEWHERE OUT THERE FOR ME PLS PLS JUST ONE CHANCE-


Oh my, i don't even know where to start. The music is awesome, the characters are so well written, the story too(which is very amazing, because it's rare for a game with a "short" route time like a week to be so well developed).

There are so many small details that make it a vivid experience, for me it was the link in Salo's bio that won everything. The bad and good ending short stories + extra imgs on the bonus content page are EVERYTHING!

I currently am doing my second route but am so deeply in love with this game and all the thought behind it! Looking forward for any new games from the team!!!


UPDATE: Finished all routes, good and bad endings and WOW.

I was really amazed by it all, it is SO well written i got butterflies every single one of the routes, i cried in every bad ending and got so involved during toasty's route end and the big reveals i jumped around, screamed, laughed.

This wasn't just a game, it was truly an experience and i am so deeply in love with this, Thanks to the team for this incredible masterpiece!


My mind is just BLOWN at how good this was! The characters, the music, the chatroom style (My weakness aaaa), and the in-game story itself!

The main boys/side characters have got to be the most unproblematic and realistic group of people that I've ever seen in a visual novel. 

XYX - The god himself. At first I only liked him because of his jokester personality but playing more in his route I started to understand why he jokes in the first place. He just wants others to be happy. When gloomy moments happened in the chat, he would be the one to help de-escalate the situation by cracking jokes. I love this man but I want him to go to therapy and learn to open up to the people who clearly support him. 

Nightowl - I GOT SCARED BY HOW SIMILAR ME AND HIM ARE TF???   I felt like I was talking with a long lost twin during his route lol. I just loved his positive energy and related hard to his personal struggles. I just wanted to give this boy the biggest hug and tell him that he has atleast one person in this world that's his biggest supporter. ME  :(

Quest (MY #1 BEST BOY IN THE GAME NO DEBATES) - This was my absolute favorite and saddest route to play. I just connected so much with that sweet gentle giant and loved his views on giving people a chance to grow from their past mistakes. I never cried from getting a bad ending, until I got quest's..... Also FUCK SOCIETYBOY! YOU SMELLY STALKER B-

NakedToaster - I THOUGHT THEY WERE A PODCASTER OR A STREAMER NOT A FREAKING CEO! I honestly thought that toasty was the author the entire time but thank god I was wrong. They came off as an intimidating person but during their route they were really sweet behind all that sarcasm and made me really want to game with them. Especially if the game was a certain CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED MMORPG CALLED FINAL FANTASY XIV

Overall I really enjoyed this game and can see myself replaying it to see their stories again. Also JUNE ROUTE, BIGLADY ROUTE, TWO2 ROUTE, ONIONTHIEF ROUTE, AND SALOCIN SIDE STORY WHEN??

Wait I just heard about and started this game, do you need to read the actual story about Lola? I'm a little confused. T-T


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first off, absolutely in love with this, secondly june route when??? and id be soo happyyy to see routes for everyone else (as in onion and maybe lady if you choose she/her pronouns) too, its just that june is my favorite of the ones without a route so far lol


This game was so good i ended up playing it until 4am...
I wanted an onionthief route so bad but its ok bcs the game is great 100/10


God I loved this game and I don't even play dating sims! I spent days finishing all the routes so obsessed with the story. I think everything is so perfect, from the writing to the gorgeous art, UI and music. And the VA and video chats? I felt in love with them. The characters have so much personality that I couldn't do the bad endings because I didn't want to see them sad. I want to highlight the true ending, so sweet and different. 

Love this game 10/10 nakedtoaster's <3


everyday....i think of this game...i need nakedtoaster so bad its not even funny anymore....


literally me except with xyx and quest as well as nakedtoaster


i just finished this game and i just.. i fell in love with it so fast. all of the characters are so captivating and i LOVE the storyline. the love interests all captured my heart in such a different way every time but xyx and nightowl have to be my favs. <33 i love this game so much and it became such a comfort. AHH play this game if you havent. you wont regret it <33 hehe

i wish we could see Salo :,v

my n1 fav game its so good. for sure my comfort game.


guys , i failed to comprehend how can i delete saved data from itch games , it's been weeks since i discovered the sweet genre games called visual novels , anyway , i'm in need of a detailed explanation of how to delete the saved data from my laptop , i'll start by saying that most of the ppl i asked told me of the same way which is to :

( navigate to C:\Users\[PCNAME]\AppData\Local and delete the Artifact folder) 

 yet it didn't work and i wasn't prepared to get attacked for asking further explanation so i'll just ask here and there until a kind soul answers me !

well i got a windos la[top and what i do is right cick on the game that you want to be rid of press uninstall and go to whare your trash or recycaling bin is and entying it. just re install the game if you want to play agan but you wont have the saves, as long as you have it in a collton. and you get the storgh space back

(sorry for the spelling its late and me brain no want to work)


I absolutely loved all the game, and Quest was my fav HES SOOO CUTEEEEE :DD




Me quede despierta hasta muy tarde para terminar todas las rutas pero valió la pena. Este juego es una joyita.

(6 edits) (+1)

Comment this long (because I love this game so much)

BDJNCkNFNDK I wrote this review after finishing the game and oh my god I feel like I'm at a loss for this game now. Anyway I love the characters and I have to say game is awesome 11/10! (I created an account just to discuss U KNOW!?).

Honestly, I was most impressed with Nightowl's badending because it was actually pretty serious (or at least in my opinion). But I mean the game's endings currency really impressed me because it had quite dangerous content compared to what I expected. 

BUT AWWW the good things about Nightowl (Nightowl is beautiful) and Quest makes me really roll in bed (roll) because it's so sweet, it's so so so so greattt😽

As for Xyx, I like the way he cares for his little roommate (albeit in a rather adorably goofy way because he basically doesn't know the problem isn't as serious as he thinks, actually). So I can't die from the experience). badending of the route because I read the badending fist, quite sad about it 😿)And he succeeded in startling me during the call💀.

About Nakedtoaster, I'm very impressed with his route (that's obvious because it's the true route of the game) but he's super cute and blushes easily (I want to tease him more 😈). I laughed a lot at his cute reaction every time he was teased (I can imagine him getting flustered after a few messages).

I love this game 🌈

maybe it will be misspelled


Quest is so dreamy 😭 I was screaming and kicking my feet at the random romantic and flirtatious shit he would say?? 

And the end scene, oh my god he looks so good 🥵🥵🥵


I literally love this game I've gotten all the routes and it's so BEAUTIFUL and adorable, my favourite's gotta be either nightowl or nakedtoaster's route fs <33 thank you for this masterpiece 🙏🏽


I'll be honest , i won't play the bad endings but I'm honestly curious what is defined as bad in this heartwarming , impressive story .

it made me giggle in many ways , it's a marvelous in every aspect , the story , VA and the art itself .

i loved it thoroughly ,I'm thankful to everyone who worked on this sweet wonderful project , you made my day , thank you a lot .

i hope i didn't made any grammatical mistakes since I'm still improving my English language .

This was my first time playing. Ive only gotten through xyx's route and i got the bad ending. Not sure what i didnt wrong. Can someone help??


try to pick responses that don't force him to open up more than he chooses to on his own. also don't try to make him contribute to the zine. dw the xyx route is the most difficult so the others will be easier to get good endings in. full walkthroughs are in the dev notes too if you get stuck somewhere or just want to make sure you get the good ending on the first try. good luck! <3

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