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Amazing game 10/10

(1 edit) (+1)

OMG!!! I LOVED THIS SO MUCH, bruh, I'm crying omg!! the seeklove ending rlly got me!! i'm also playing Blooming Panic and trying to get every ending, but this is so sweet, and you gotta rlly put in the work, and idk I just love this so much. Thank you for creating something so beautiful!!<3


dk whats up with the game or if I'm doing something wrong, I reached here but nothing happens, I can see if bailey yang but what else is there to do

ur doing something wrong

(2 edits)

Oh! Nvm I got it!! I don't know what I was doing wrong, but I got it!! I can now continue enjoying the game; I love it!!


you spelled it "humphery" instead of "humphrey", but thanks for sharing, because I had problems with this one too and your screenshot helped <3


PLS BEST CHATSIM EVER (i cried on ending 2 loll)

i really really like it a lot cs one of them, the gender isnt specify to one gender, i was scared the chars would called me a she (im a ftm so i would feel offended if that make sense) YET AVGDHHSBJD THEY STICKED TO THEY/THEM UNTIL THE END????? woulf play again for fun, love all of those chars, wish that i could interact w them more LMAO


This is so well dooooone!!!! I can’t even pinpoint which aspect of the whole game I like best ♥

Also, I knew I’ve heard od’s voice before!!!

(1 edit) (+3)

i LOVE THIS one of the most unique games ive seen i was half hoping the other characters were routes too they were just that interesting !! you & your team have a magic w creating such good games i swear. this will now be my whole personality for a month. im hoping to see more seekL content and i so will be searching odxny on ao3 thank you so much for this game & i lowk need a lore drop on him <3



i loved this, i like the way it envolves coding and the way characters personalities were so fun and interesting, i loved all of them. The soundtrack, game design and art is AMAZING, i enjoyed all of the game so much (and probably more bc i like coding and it was veryy fun). And odxny's voice was perfect. I adored this sm.

i want to play the game, but when i try to run the game,it wont work and my laptop warns me instead
can i please get some help??

u can usually press more info and there will be a button that u can press at lets it launch anyway

sorry im not good at explaining well..


love incy, would die for them, 10/10 game. I even felt like I learnt something


This game was so fun!! I loved all the characters, loved how natural the dialogue was & how their personalities showed thru the way they typed. I especially LOVED the soundtrack, like it really immersed me into the game, amazing stuff. The gameplay itself is extremely fun, and though I didn't solve the coding myself, I think for others who did, that part was fun as well!

Please someone help me, I'm trying to play this game on the joiplay emulator, but this only appears, can anyone help me?

we do not offer support for joiplay


i feel so smart solving the coding sections without looking up anything.... i think i did pretty good for someone who has no idea about anything like that :) this was fun 


played and had a lot of fun! coding bits were super fun, felt more immersive, and honestly the chatlogs between everyone had me cracking up because lowkey it felt like a slightly exaggerated version of mine and my friends' discord server where we all just lovingly bully eachother


learned coding? for some GUYY?? pfft who'd do that???


def not me


This was an amazing game! It was an interesting way to learn a new language too. I do wish I could have known more about all the other characters, even Incy grew on me O_o. I didn't do the other endings yet (I only got seekLife) but I'll try to do so soon and I'm really excited!!


i was happy to see another project from robobarbie and they did an amazing job, again! i'm pretty stupid with coding and all of that, but the explaning for the mini game + in game guide + coding doc guide REALLY helped me out. as for the story: amazing. just like blooming panic, i felt like it was short, but not exactly rushed. the good part is that it kinda gives an "open ending" to the seekLove, so we can leave it up to imagination or smth. the Love Interest was also very adorable, loved the VA work there. althought i really wish i could learn more about his past and motives, but maybe that would ruin the magic? idk. what i also like about robobarbie stories is how likeable and interesting they make side characters be. yes, i would love to know more about incri and why they speak and act that way. the autor do have an unique way of making you get attached to these characters.

well, i'm hoping to see more seekL content, maybe an extra chapter or short story on Od birthday? who knows! i'll pay close attention and wait to see how many more stories are yet to be told, cannot wait to experience them all.


emmmm I have a question about this game and “error143”

My friend told me they are very similar. I have not played “error143”yet. 


ok! I got the answer. 3ks

Never expected to code as part of a minigame but this is so unique and fun! Was half hoping the other 3 peeps in the chatroom were also routes but the main LI is amazing af anyway so it wasn't much of a loss for me. Amazing work!!!

Hey i download the game and all but when i start to run it the program prevents it, can someone help out?

guys please help how do I find Bruce's email? I'm aboyt to cry rn


I found his email, but im stuck? how do i report it???

I am such a fan of blooming panic and came here really excited for this game! I loved the characters, the ambience and the mini games(I swear to god i had SO much fun trying to solve every single one of them, and everytime i got it in the first try I would let out a big smile). I like how deep(even if vague) and relatable Odxny's struggle was, but I unffotunately thought the romance to be too rushed for my taste. Overall a pretty good game, just wish there were more scenes within the route like in blooming panic!

Anyways, congrats in another amaizng game! I'll be waiting for you guy's next release :)

the server members DEFINITELY are 4chan members XD


we have to take the game down immediately

I enjoyed this game so much, the programming aspect was so fun. I absolutely love Odxny's character so much. Thank you for another lovely game :)))))


Begging for a future incri route, i like those mean boys


As a og blooming panic fan as soon as I heard odxny, I immediately went "XYX?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" Mike Young has such an amazing voice it was a nice surprise!


Really liked the concept of this game, I really liked the fact that the overall interface was interactive and I really felt like I was a hacker :'))


After playing Blooming Panic I HAD TO check if there were more games like that and luckily - there was! I'm not gonna lie, I couldn't solve all the programming quizzes and I'm so happy there was a walkthrough for that part, otherwise... that would have been quite frustrating. It was also a bit difficult for me to differentiate all those people, but since there was just one love interest, that was fine. Contrary to Blooming Panic, I absolutely LOVED the drawing style of seekL! The colors, the mood, the fox mask, the last phone call. So good! I wish the game was a bit (no, a lot!) longer with even more interactions with the love interest. But it can't be helped. I hope there will be more games by this developer and I wouldn't mind if there were any paid DLCs. 


I just wanted to play a cute romancing game and they made me to do programming and I love it

Same lol, I was expecting another chatroom romance VN but I love that I got so confused that I needed to do some coding stuff Xp


The entire game was so good, I enjoyed reading through the story and definitely loved how interactive the coding and chat aspects of the game were. I also really wanted to pat od on the head like bestie if I could hug out all of your sadness away I really would huhuhu thank you for making such a delightful game! It was short, fun and really a good way of introducing otome gamers to sql HAHAHA!!

Can some1 pls help me? ;-; I've been trying to find why I can't seem to continue day 4 when I put it the right code, it keeps saying there are files to extract after I quit over and over

me too ...

when i download it i cant play it becouse it wont let me in the game. I just dont no how to open it TwT


this game was so freaking amazing i am in love with everything!!also the coding made me feel so smart lmfao


GOD this is so good T_T AUGH this is so cool and i LOVED the coding aspect thank u for serving once again robo .. is it weird to like all the characters?? lmaooo

incri, who's probably two2 if he got his joker arc early, elimf, who's probably the type of guy that would like nightowl, damien, and drama commentary videos as white noise, wnpep, who's basically quest and salo and would definitely pep talk the members when a hack goes wrong (not before laughing at them but that's beside the point), and of course, odxny, the man, the myth, the legend (because he wants to be), he needs someone named lovelylola to help him doesn't he.. T_T ok well, thirm is supa cool too gotta love that person, mf probably watches palmertrolls or literally IS him,,,

so tldr; all the characters are bangers play this game


This game confirmed that all hackers are furries and it was also really fun because I like coding also taught me some SQL (10/10)


amazing game.LOVED IT.

Cuando en español? D':

i can't seem to get the answer howwwwwww ;_;

(1 edit)

Try putting it in single quotes instead of double! You could also have the last two words switched. If neither of those things work, check the code guide




I refused to play the other ending because all I wanted to do was romance him 😚😍(I caved in and played the rest of the endings)


so fun!!! the coding aspect was really unique and i got extremely hooked on that

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