A downloadable program for Windows and macOS


After clicking an old link on a forum, you’ve stumbled into a server of strange hackers, each with their own axe to grind. They’re (reluctantly) willing to give you some lessons, but is there something else to gain during your time here?


Game Contains

  • 1 route 
  • 3 endings 
  • 15k-20k words or something 
  • ~2-3 hours of playtime 
  • Bonus section (dev doodles + track), unlocks after clearing all 3 endings

Odxny is the owner of the server,  and the most reticent of the group, but something's clearly ticking behind their mask. What can you uncover in your short time in the server, and can you change the path they've set themself upon?

Recommended for 18+.

  • strong language
  • sexual language/innuendo 
  • characters mean to MC
  • cops
  • hospitals
  • extortion/blackmail
  • foster care
  • suicidal thoughts
  • weed
  • alcohol
  • stalking

robobarbie   lead, programming, text
Allie Vera   text, editing
saffeine_art, programming
Diantre' "HI-T3C" Butler   music, sfx
Mike Young   voice acting (odxny)

Special thank u to Destini Islands for the bad end cg and general all-around help! 

QA Team

Tools Used



  • Some players experience crashing on save/load. Some people have been able to fix this by making sure all their drivers are up to date and working. If you still need help with this after updating all of your drivers, you can join the fanserver linked in the devlog and we can try to help! 
Microsoft's official Windows Update docs: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/update-windows-3c5ae7fc-9fb6-9af1-1984-b5e0412c556a 
AMD driver/chipset dashboard: https://www.amd.com/en/support/download/drivers.html 
Nvidia's driver page: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx 
Intel DSA: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html
anything else (chipset, etc.) should come from the device/motherboard manufacturer


PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(1,250 total ratings)
Authorsrobobarbie, Allie Vera, Diantre' Butler, saffeine
GenreVisual Novel
Tagscsvnjam, Otome, Short


seekL-1.0-pc.zip 213 MB
seekL-1.0-mac.zip 208 MB

Development log


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Hiii! I love the story, and I've only played for a few minutes so far. However, I'm having an issue where the game crashes and closes by itself whenever I try to save or load. I'm not sure if it's just my potato laptop or if others are experiencing the same problem.

If anyone has encountered this issue or knows how to fix it, please help! Thank you!


Hey! Im lazy and havent updated the build, but for people with this problem, this should work for u! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HMJqX4wII88545F3sk1IUfqSvQgaeORG

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I downloaded it, tried it, and it worked! I really appreciate it. Thanks again! <3


I cannot believe I was tricked into learning. Furious it took me so long to figure out how to horn.

10/10 absolutely fantastic game. Amazing writing, art, and voice acting.


made an acc just to comment LOL but really I played this game in a span of two days and I was absolutely in love!! at first I was a bit intimidated by the coding but it quickly became my favorite part about the game. another thing i liked was how likeable all the characters r, incri is def my fav


i felt like they were really ppl when talked to me, the immersion was so fun!!!(i felt bullied when i dindt get smth right lol)


I've been playing for like 20 minutes but I am already LOVING it. For me, the fact that there are 3 other people in the chat as well and the fact everyone including the main lover guy has such a different personality AND a different way of writing their things is SO COOL AND SO FUNNY. THEYRE ALL SO FUNNY MAN I CANT its exactly my type of humor. The stickers, the stupid funny text messages/dialogue, the unique game play of literally having to write some coding stuff, the art style, the ui everything is great so far. Tbf, ive only been playing for like 20min so maybe dont take my advice to heart. Still, Ive been really enjoying it so far its really nice


i fell in love with those stickers they use in the chat, the ART STYLE, his VOICE, his CHARACTER, that sql thing (you unlocked my traumatic college memories lmao)

i almost cried at the end of the romantic ending (platonic is next)

thank you <3


i'll pay like a thousand dollars if it means there'll be a chance for ts to get a dlc


spent 5 minutes just bustin it down to the title music


good news i’ve finally mastered how to spell arnold schwarzenegger



This game is absolutely ridiculous with how good it is, I'm weak

If this ever gets a sequel I'll absolutely support it as well


OHHHH MYYYY I CANT DO THIS I LOVE OD SM AND THE ENDING CG FOR THE SEEKLOVE ENDING??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i was NOT expecting ALL THAT.. AND OMFG I COULD RECOGNISE MY MANS VOICE ANYWHERE XYX I LOVE U!!! I love this game so much and it actually taught me a bit about coding which i appreciate, though it was hard at times i very much enjoyed it!


loved, loved, loved this!! all the characters were so fun and and i enjoyed playing this game so much <3 totally recommend playing through it at least once!! :D 


Id recognise that voice anywhere


I lov Od, I love the cast, the art, the UI, the music, the coding challenges. Just everything about this is chefs kiss! Using a rap track for the main menu and listening to it after finishing the game was the icing on the cake for me. Job well done!


This game is amazing. I felt like I am talking to real people and the calls with od were like actual conversations.
Using sql was a really fun and creative idea!
I genuinely feel like this game is one of the best chat based (dating) games I've ever played! 


so funn so engaging everyone feels soo real and incri we love you forever


I love this game so much!!!! I love the bonus content so much, and od's va's voice is really nice to listen to, makes me wish od was real </3


I love your games robo!!! Please never stop doing stuff until you’re satisfied <3. 



hi yall, im at the end where od gives you his phone number, i keep trying to call but it just says 'error function access denied'. ik im typing it in right bc i literally copy pasted it from the answers guidde when i couldn't get it to work. is this the bad end or am I doing something wrong lmao?? pls help




i love love loooooooooooooooved this vn so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1 edit) (+2)

ngl... idk if yall seen that tiktok edit trend of the song "Would You Fall in Love with Me Again" from EPIC... that damn song was stuck in my head 24/7 playing this while thinking of xyx and odxyn.. legit made myself cry


Super great game!! I haven't done anything coding-related since high school! Plus, being unable to see Odxny's face was a fun twist!

All 3 endings are so fun! But from what I understand there's a secret ending that I have no idea how to get so if anyone has suggestions that would be great!

huh??? theres a secret one????!?!??!?!?!

from what I understand there is? but it is 50/50 it seems that people hear about it.... could be a cheeky thing tho....


This is the most amazing and heartfelt game I have ever played! The puzzles were a lot of fun & the conversations were so realistic! I also truly vibed with the MC's love for esoteric programming languages. And odxny got me *kyaaaa*ing like crazy <3

Thank you for making this!!! (┬┬﹏┬┬)

(1 edit) (+4)

Incri was hands-down the funniest character. They remind me a lot of some of my fav anime characters. Their chats were wildly entertaining and so realistc!! I honestly felt a little choked up when it was all ending.

I was so fking distracted by my man's nips in the last SeekLove scene...

Btw I just copied his number from the answer key... couldn't figure it out for the life of me can someone enlighten this lowly little mouse?


It's in the query results of the last thing he made you look up, the email column had the password piece and the phone number column was his actual phone number!

(2 edits) (+5)

Incredible game! The voice acting, the UI, and the coding puzzles were all super good!

The writing was amazing!!!! The conversations felt really natural. I was genuinely cry laughing during elimf's hack

i cant save the game, im tired of doing the coding again and again. this game is cool but… idk how i feel after spending my whole night without sleeping the game crashed TWICE and boom i had to do it all over again. please can someone tell me how to fix this? i dont have discord to join the server btw

we request people to join the server to debug because it often involves something complicated with their computer. we're happy to help you there if you are able to get a discord account

we have a potential fix build but need people to test it. can you try downloading this and see if you still have the save/load issue? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HMJqX4wII88545F3sk1IUfqSvQgaeORG?usp=sha...

will there be a Linux ver that we will be able to download?

actually maybe

omg!! Are you able to say when could we expect it to be released? If not it’s ok:)

Probs this weekend! Or if ur impatient, its also in the google drive fix folder ive linked under a few comments

ohhh, thanks for the reply!!


how do i input odnxy's number exec dial thingy because i accidentally did it the first time, but i forgot a digit and when i went back to check it, i couldnt get back T_T (sorry if this message is confusing lol)


wait i think i did it??

so far, it's a good game but for some reason it won't let me save or load any files

Check out our “Bugs” section above the download buttons that addresses this. You can hop in the Discord for help if need be!

we have a potential fix build but need people to test it. can you try downloading this and see if you still have the save/load issue? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HMJqX4wII88545F3sk1IUfqSvQgaeORG?usp=sha...

the link you sent works good on pc no problems saving or loading the save files



I absolutely love this game. I love the humor and I love odxny <3 <3 <3 Please keep making more of these types of games I am in love <3 <3 <3

this game looks super cool but i cant save or load without crashing out </3 is there any way to fix this?

We’ve got a “Bugs” section above the download buttons that addresses this, or you can hop in the Discord for help!

we have a potential fix build but need people to test it. can you try downloading this and see if you still have the save/load issue? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HMJqX4wII88545F3sk1IUfqSvQgaeORG?usp=sha...


this worked, tysm!



awesomeeeeee!hope there will be a follow-up:/

(1 edit) (-2)


understood what it meant by crash and I see why the game gets confused on if its loading or saving and since it can not load nothing it crashes. 

I understand how most games brake because it happens to often to count.

Another cause is the code text that you write down which the game gets confused from causing a crash. 


That was so fun! Od is very likeable :) and I appreciate the little SQL tutorials.




I'm still playing lmao and when they said I was from Az my brain short circuited LMAO I WAS LIKE HOW TF YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE HDHDHHF


amé el juego 


... guys .. um.. im from texas

Search every HEB for them, it’s the only way

(1 edit) (+7)

i was like 'this guy reminds me of xyx.. and the horn part... wait ima check the dev profile' then the way i screamed " I FUCKING KNEW IT OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" 


same va too!


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